Is it weird to ask strangers for a spot?

Is it weird to ask strangers for a spot?

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No its not. As long as you're upfront with how many sets and reps you plan on doing and you're not interrupting their workout (asking mid set), it's fine you autist

OP is retarded
the answer is no
and even if it were weird, any awkwardness you would feel from asking for a spot would be infinitely better than the embarrassment from failing a bench press and having to call someone for help

yes, ask the gymstaff

Just don't forget to give them a tip after I always forget lol

>tipping the gym staff
lmao do americans really?

No. That dude is retarded. He said give a tip after, but he also never tips.

what soulless selfish as fuck country are you from where you dont tip the staff?

No, and so long as you're not asking for a spot on a sub-1pl8 bench the person will be internally flattered that someone thinks their strong enough to trust with their life.

No, I’ve been asked multiple times and asked others multiple times, just try to catch the person between their lift and be clear on how many reps your going for and whether you need help off the rack. Anyone that has an issue with spotting another bro is a gains goblin fag

This. I always tip people for helping me out. Even opening a door for me, deserves a tip. Checkout clerk in a supermarket? Tip. Mechanic? Tip. Doctor? Tip. Paper boy, tip (in the letterbox).

Favor deserves gratuity.

In other countries staff are paid a livable wage user, on average they work less, get more vacation time, and have benefits. Tipping isn’t always necessary, though it is a nice gesture, but is essential in the states due to our shitty wages for staff


As long as it's between my sets I don't mind spotting people, I get bored just standing there resting anyway.

I must be getting old because I can't tell who is retarded and who is just pretending to be retarded in this thread

idk i do what i want

They're all being satire.

No. I'll specifically ask for a spot for when I work up to 3 pl8s and usually it's only skinny dudes around so they think I'm trying to mog them or something. One time I had to ask some random instaghoul whore and after my set she told me she had a boyfriend kek. She was the closest in the gym some broads are fucked beyond belief.

>based gym receptionist tipper
Eurofags just don't understand North America.

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nigga, everyone in the gym would be overjoyed if asked for spot, cause it means that you put trust on them