What kind of girls have the lowest standards?

What kind of girls have the lowest standards?

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Your mom

In the age of Instagram and online dating... that's a very good question
Definitely not nerds, contrary to what some virgins here might think

Tranny OP

The girls even you don't want.

Came to say this

blacks and mixed girls in my experience

My standards for a girl are that she should be nice and not fat because I am nice and not fat (even Any Forums). Is this reasonable?

If by lowest you mean realistic, I think wagies

Mentally damaged girls, who tend to have been raped or at least touched funny when they were kids.

A girl that's nice and not fat can do better than you

>not fat
Either of those alone filters out ~60%. I bet you expect her to have no kids or debt too.
Damn incels and their ridiculous standards

>Nice and not fat
She's already taken by Chad. What do you have to offer?

>What do you have to offer?


>What do you have to offer?
earn above 85% of male employed population
taller than majority of men

surprise surprise that is no longer enough for a 5/10

Maybe stop viewing yourself as some kind of product you can market. You are human.

>what do you have to offer?
>can you please stop talking about what you have to offer? you are human

BPD ridden, comes from fucked up home, has a history of abuse ranging from bad to worse, poor, neet or has a dead end job, got brutalized with the ugly stick...
Basically somebody that barely functions on their own so they need someone and in most cases anyone to assist them through living in exchange for pussy and attention.
Being nice as a woman is THE standard. Being just that would give them access to many things like jobs, friendships... etc, which in turn would up their standards. Look at waitresses for example
>not fat
Also something that is valued and desired in women by most, given that most developed cunts are only getting more and more fat, so perpetually more standards points for the not fat woman.

Imo seeing the sex lives of post-Tinder modern nerd girls blackpilled me beyond belief and steeled my heart towards women and now I want nothing out of them except easy sex.


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