Just let things happen bro!

>just let things happen bro!

Seriously how cucked is this philosophy?

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It ain't "let things happen", it's "shit happens, man"
Unless you decide to get into actual stoic philosophy instead of a dudes diary, in which case a lot of times yeah it is "just let things happen bro"

Stoicism at it's core is about realizing some things are outside of your control and then not worrying about it
Just chilling the fuck out
The closest we have in the modern world is pic related

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based stirner enjoyer

But the stoics are cucks, read what Nietschze has to say on them

Nietsche was a cuck tho

it's very cucked and not surprising it's promoted during the most degenerate time on planet

>Concernfag, the post

it's a soulless and pointless philosophy drawn from a bad foundation. every piece of good advice found in stoicism is either obvious or found in other places as well

>just let your wife fuck gladiators bro!

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>take responsability for your own wellbeing and don't bitch about things outside your control
You're a cuck if you can't control your emotions often caused by immoveable external forces
Like a mental toddler

>not being able to influence the world with your thoughts
you niggas are NGMI

>"when you shidded and farded and no TP left, just walk around with the stink, the Gods will understand"
- Marcus Poopooman Aurelius

Every human on this planet is a cuck except me

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As opposite to screaming at clouds?
Yeah, I'm taking the stoicpill user, thanks

There's a reason stoicism draws incels and other losers. They use it to justify and feel good about their cowardice, social anxiety and inaction.
>why am I jobless? well I applied to jobs but it's outside of my control whether they choose me or not
>why am I a virgin at 30? well women's actions are outside of my control

Reddit tier thinking
I wonder why it became so popular

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You need to remember. This was written by a dying man on his death bed who had already lived a full life and who's dick hadn't worked in years. He was more writting it to himself to convince his self, he'd lived a good life and prepare for death.

Not cucked at all.
>Don't worry about things you can't control
>Live life to the fullest
Are both based principles to live by. The problem arises when people fixate on the former without then turning all that extra mental energy towards productive endeavors.
Isn't amor fati just stoicism repackaged for the 19th century?

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I got banned by tranny jannies for posting a "is stoicism Any Forums for your mind?" thread

Read the part about ethics. The gist of Stoic ethics is that you should never tolerate evil and degeneracy in your community. For some reason, in modern times, the people pushing Stoicism leave that part out.

>ignoring things which you have no control over are le bad!

meanwhile we have the highest rate of mental med prescriptions in history. really makes you think

Whats an alternative philosophy then?

Stoicism is attractive to me since it is essentially: Don’t stress about things not in your control. Don’t let your emotions take the wheel. See the beauty in life and be thankful for being in the present. Live virtuously and do your job in life.

How is any of this really bad?