Old thread died and I couldn't reply to an answer

I don't do a full body, that's the reason why I want to divide legs into 2 separate days. I'm trying to build my program but since I don't want to miss out on certain muscles or movement it ends up being the day with the most exercises and thus probably the longest, but I don't think I've seen this done before
I can get some intensity by doing it in one day, but by the end I often end up feeling too lazy to do other things like abs or even stretching

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balls hurt after edging
is this normal?
am I gonna die?

>divides leg day in two
> Logically it's Left Day and Right Day

You probably gonna die nigga

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Just how much greater of a load should a high pin press take in comparison to a regular bench press? My 1rm for bench is 130kg and my first time today doing high pin press I managed 140 x 6. ROM is about 5 inches

the easiest way to do leg day is to put leg exercises into every day you lift
D1: BS
D2: RDLs
D3: FS
D4: machine work
D5 Deadlifts
just an example, I found a decent amount of success with it (replacing deadlifts with more squats tho)
aids I'm afraid.

I've seen people split it as posterior chain and anterior chain as you're describing. Total weekly volume matters more than the specific split IMO

I'm going to gym for like 3 months now but I always do cardio or exercises with my own weight because I was scared that I will humiliate myself while trying to use machines. Now i want to start using them to get better. What is the best starting routine for someone who only did pushups, squats etc?
My weight is 71kg and I have 17.5% body fat

Anyone else have pain in their traps when squatting. It feels a bit like the bar is pressing a nerve. This only happens after I've done a few sets.

what are your goals and how often do you go in a week

My elbows always pop when I extend and retract them. Is this bad? Anything I can do to fix? Been happening as long as I can remember

how long before I go to the gym should I eat?

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early enough so you won't vomit at the gym but late enough that your energy and bloodsugar levels are still up

But doing that I fear I'll end up either not training them hard enough, or having the same logic for other groups and doing a sort of incompletely full body split
Yes also, from what I've read you should either get bigger traps, or put the bar a bit behind your shoulders, from what I've tried the second one hurts a bit in the arm or elbow but I think stretching could solve that

I go 2-4 times a week
I want to drop body fat and achieve sexy ottermode

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the answer is literally as simple as don't be a pussy with the intensity, recov times a crazy low with this particular split, again there's very little wrong with a full body split, it got me to a great place in terms of both strength and aesthetics

anywhere from 30 mins to 2 hours

Im 176cm / 76.5kg
Am lifting 4 days a week compound lifts
Eating 1800kcal to finally get rid of most of the skinnyfat tummy i got during bulking to 79kg

Is that still too much calories?

Ive got a bad lower back so im wondering what would be better to do, RDL or good mornings? Currently im doing RDLs but i dont really feel anything except for my back as the weight gets higher and higher.

So you would advise me to do a full body split, just with different muscles of each group involved depending on the day ?

I'd advise you to use the /fat/ ressources to calculate your tdee and go depending on it, dont necessarily use the losertown weight loss planning, since you're cutting you should mostly focus on losing fat so I don't think putting a goal weight for a set day would be a good idea

You mean like this?
Bunch of different TDEEs

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more or less yes, a full body split with a specific emphasis for that day, e.g. a chest focused day may look like this
5x5 bench
3x12 lat raises
4x8 RDLs
4x8 DB pullovers
3x12 cable flies
3x10 lower back extensions
and the next day would be quad focused with shoulders as a secondary focus. Jeff nippard has a video explaining this in great detail, here's my body as proof, take it or leave it.

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Yeah iirc it says to use Katch McArdle, so 1973 should be somewhat right since it's usually around 2000, in that case 1800 might be a bit high for a deficit, but you can probably progressively lower it to 1600 or 1700 so it doesn't hit too hard


whats a healthy amount of weight to loose in a week?

you cannot accurately calculate tdee from formulas, don't bother caring about a hundred calories here or there. apply a mean and find your tdee in practice or through MET/activity tracking.

Ill go to 1700 see how much i lost after a week and maybe go even down to 1600 the following then