Run for two weeks

>run for two weeks
>shin splints
>start doing push ups
>sharp wrist pain
>do pull ups
>bicep tendonitis
>try a few dumbbell curls with 15 lb weight
>golfer's elbow

How the fuck do sedentary fags in their 30s get fit?

Attached: fuckthis.jpg (1000x561, 89.35K)

fix your posture, do wrist exercises for RSI, start with lighter weights/less reps and focus on form first

ease in to things and stretch, take days off as you are ramping up

First, stop being a pussy.

Second, warm up a little before exercise. Walk five minutes before you run. Do less weight, modified form, assisted exercises.

Third, stop being a pussy.

It's called injuries and even experienced athletes get them. Recovery, mobility, and training smart.

Idk I wasn't a lazy bitch my whole life so I can do all those things in my 30s

It's over for jointcels.

Go down to 10 pounds since 15 is too high for you right now. Use them till you can do like 6-8 sets of 20 curls and then you can use the 15 pounds.


38yo NEET here, all I do is eat/sledva8pep/dyel.

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By not making up fake green text stories

Nigga i was 360 lb at one point i ran and did push ups

your body is failing, your diet must suck absolute asscrack since you are unable to regenerate tissue faster than you break it

Eat more protein motherfucker

You're not going to solve anything until you fix your vaginal silicosis first

>>run for two weeks
>>shin splints
>start doing push ups
>>sharp wrist pain
>do pull ups
>>bicep tendonitis
>try a few dumbbell curls with 15 lb weight
>>golfer's elbow

That was me at age 19-21. Has nothing to do with age. I could help you trough that

Its almost as if 30 years of doing absolutely nothing can’t be undone with 2 weeks of probably shit form and shit diet

>>run for two weeks
>>shin splints
Try jogging slower at your own paste. Slowly get faster

>start doing push ups
>sharp wrist pain
Stretch your wrist on a wall for 30 seconds before pushups. If they start to hurt during pushuos and you think you over stretched, do wrist curls with something like a broom stick. (I use a broken bar from my old door pull up bar)

>do pull ups
>bicep tendonitis
Practice engaging your lats more

>>try a few dumbbell curls with 15 lb weight
>golfer's elbow
Lower the reps and or limit your curls since you get some good bicep work from pullups. Come back to curls when you feel ready.

Attached: Dr_Pig.jpg (800x450, 50.1K)

If you've never exercised in your life then it's probably a combination of inflexibility and also you're weak in obscure muscles and positions and have faulty movement patterns that you need to address first before doing anything serious. When I had first started I did research and had a physio help me for months activating and strengthening different muscles just to walk without pain.

Do yoga. Fitness forums will tell you that as a beginner you should be pushing numbers hard, increasing your mileage or weight lifted from week to week. And their advice for mobility or rehab/prehab? "Just warm up your wrists", "stretch a little on your off days", "do facepulls". They advise you to do the minimum needed that'll let you keep pushing those numbers.
Focus on healing your body first.

I always get wrist pain doing push-ups. Eventually I got an X-ray for some unrelated reason and found out one of my wrist bones is flipped the wrong way which is probably causing it. I still do push-ups though.