How to raise testosterone without fucking up natural production?

I wanna be angry and ready to fuck all the time without fucking up my natural test production. What’s the best way to naturally raise test everyday?

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I should also add that I’m in my mid 20’s

I'm on 3g of test a week and never get angry
If you want to be angry emotional and horny take estrogen you fucking faggot queer

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Shouldnt testosterone help you moderate your emotions?

roids allow for natural test to resume, after a certain timeframe depending upon which compounds you took plus how much and how long. A pct also helps

Yeah, it does.

>3g of test a week

Because it feels better than any other drug. Trust me, I've tried every drug


Heavy lifting and high protein ingestion.

Anybody have opinions on pic related?
I’ve intentionally placebo’d myself and am fondling my balls a lot to give myself a rush

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>Because it feels better than any other drug.
as a roider myself, that’s not the reason testosterone should be used. All roid myths and hysteria aside, you do know cruising at 3g of test can kill you?

Heroin is pussy ass shit for fags
Makes you feel good physically but psychologically it's nothing compared to high test
High test is like constantly being high on a low dose of coke with no comedown

lmao you a Dyerwatcher?

I'm not cruising bro that would be insane. But for the duration of every blast I feel like a god.

Before I started trt I was a fucking lunatic, always pissed off and trying to fight people. Now I'm high normal and probably the most calm I've ever been. If you are in your mid 20's you should be ready to fuck all the time anyway. When I was in my 20's I would fuck anything that would stand still.

Maybe I don’t feel that way because I was addicted to porn and masturbated everyday from ages 12 to 18.

Dopamine detox is what you need, not higher test.

Leg day

Saw it on rogan

user, anger/aggression isn't triggered from testosterone, it's triggered by estrogen.

If you're becoming more aggressive with more T, it's probably because the enzyme aromatase is converting it into estrogen.

If you want to naturally raise testosterone, get your body fat percentage low, which will decrease aromatase. Also get lots of sleep, good diet, cut out alcohol.

More testosterone should make you more energized, motivated, raise your self-esteem. It shouldn't turn you into a rage monkey

>niggers are more aggressive
>niggers have higher estrogen
>niggers have the highest sodomy rates
hmmm. Also, nice