this is considered good form in SS land

> this is considered good form in SS land

Attached: Screenshot_20220611-131446.png (1079x1180, 1.19M)

the standing bench press?

It was in Oly lifting too before they removed it

That's actually a good name for it "standing bench press".

Needs an entry in the encyclopedia

it is

what's wrong with it?

They're stronger than OP so it's bad

i would never listen to rippetoe for programming advice but this is simply optimal technique for a heavy OHP

>destrories you're spine

how so? do you know any examples of people who have hurt their back from doing this?

you need an example? spines aren't supposed to be in this position

Bench press with no bench

Post you're strict press

Standing incline press actually

post your cock

Just don't call it an OHP. This fallback bullshit was the reason the press was removed from the Olympics in the early 70s.

no, the reason was that they had a "no excessive layback" rule which soviet judges abused to redlight western lifters
the easier solution would be to remove this rule

Because with such a ridiculous layback (like shown above with ole Chase) it's no longer a shoulder press.

Retard. Spinal flexion and extension are natural movements of the spine, you are literally meant to be able to get into this position. As long as you're braced and don't have excessive lowerback rounding you should be fine. Your spine can deal with compressive forces just fine.

>Spinal flexion and extension are natural movements of the spine, you are literally meant to be able to get into this position
Yes, but not under heavy load in an unstable position like this.

>As long as you're braced and don't have excessive lowerback rounding you should be fine.
Are you blind? Are we looking at the same pictures here? The lower back is hyperextended to the highest degree possible.

Ya you are right, the spine loves to be compressed when at 90 degree angle. I pray for your discs

Cold war olympics were dirty as shit and yet they were definitely the best time for the olympics

Don't worry about him. He'd have to lift heavy for his discs to be in danger.

they barely press the weight though. most of it is bouncing it with their hips and dropping under it

It wouldn't be compression at that angle, it would be a shearing force... Which would actually just be worse, but get it right.

WELL ACTUALLY it would be buckling force. wow get your forces right jeez