How the fuck do you squat?

I can not do this movement no matter how hard I try. So many lifts require this movement and they never explain how to do it. Nothing about this movement feels natural to me. My legs go retarded when I try this motion. My brain can’t comprehend it and automatically straightens my legs. When I attempt it without weights I fall over and lose balance. Are my calves fucked? Why the fuck is this harder than carrying another human or running 20 miles? I can not squat for the life of me.

What do I need to do to become a squatter?

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I don’t understand how people can do this. When I bend my knees like this I automatically transition to my tippy toes.

Surely someone out there has been through a similar experience and has some advice? How do I overcome this? What do I even need to work on?

A bit off topic. I started doing bodyweight squats. I did 3x25 but didn't feel DOMS afterwards. I haven't been to gym in 5 months, so i was expecting to feel sore or something. Is it my form?

Quad, hamstring, and glute strength. Also calf and glute flexibility.

Just look up jeremy ethier squat on YouTube.

It takes practice

>cant squat with just the bar but with a plate or two can squat fine

You just have to practice the movement, and get some leg strength. You also need some mobility, and the difficulty will depend on body proportions. This is a good video about the resting squat.

If you check out any calisthenics squat progression you can find regressions of the bodyweight squat. Start from the beginning and work your way up, your balance and supporting muscles will improve until you're able to do the regular bodyweight squat properly. From there you can move onto using a barbell.

First off you might have tight hips, check out the pic rel stretches

Second, you may have tight calves, check out videos on YouTube on how to stretch them

then, when you're squatting, tense your core, push your arse out to start the movement and then imagine your knees going over your toes (and put your legs out in a V shape rather than a U shape

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Sounds like your shit is all fucked up. Squatting is a natural movement that everyone who isn't crippled can do from birth, not being able to squat down is almost like not being able to lift your arms or some other basic shit. You seriously need to go to a physiotherapist.

No bro, I did, and it really got simple once I did assisted pistol squats for a few days (I was complete shit, I was training resistance), before doing a squat, with this preparation:

- Legs at shoulder with, stand up straight;
- Rotate both of your toes slightly outwards (see OP pic);
- Raise up your shoulders, move them back, and let them down;
- Try making your shoulder blades in your back aligned with your back when you do this
- Tuck your head in from your neck.


Take your hands out, I personally like to do a "praying" position so my center of gravity is at my knees, but some people need to do the zombie.

Then just bring yourself down, making sure your knees DO NOT pass your toes. I like to squat deep enough where my knees are at my core.


ALSO, for added, sucking in your gut and puffing your chest between steps 4 and 5 helps me sometimes

Learn the Vietnamese gambler position. Master it. That's all you need. Goblet squats are great at dictating proper form as well.

Has a video on every possible problem and how to solve it.

Elevate your heels. You can do that with some weights on the floor or with proper lifting shoes.

Training mobility: pike, pancake, front and side split will help a lot.

If you have no mobility issues start doing assisted squats to adapt your body to the movement.

Your ass starts the movement first. Push it back as far as you can so as to deepen the squat and engage your large leg muscles. Make sure that your knees don't pass the toe line or if so, that they pass it only slightly. Flex your abdomen and ideally also your glutes during the WHOLE movement to reduce the pressure on your lower back.
Have fun bro.

>Knees behind toes
That is impossible. Fuck you.

Wall sits and goblet squats with KB. Reason its harder than carrying weight is because you sit daily so your hip & lower back mobility is literally bonkers.

Actually just practice the Prisoner Squat variation instead, a lot of what the upper body does forces proper form like on a barbell squat.

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bro that man's back is ridiculously bowed/hyper extended