I’m scared of going to the gym

but I struggle to explain why, it’s a very strange feeling

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Being scared of your first time is normal. Just set your expectations low, don't expect it to be the best thing ever until you've got your groove figured out. It can help if you have a partner that's more experienced, but that's not a must.

I first started to go with a friend of mine last summer. At that time I was afraid of both going with someone and going alone, but going with someone was more bearable. Now I have gone to the gym more or less 20 times with multiple friends and my anxiety - although being still there - is quite low.

However, I tried to go on my own alone only very recently. I manage to do so three times, but two out of the three were unsatisfying sessions. The main reason is that, even though I tried to go there very early (7 AM), it happens that the squat spots are all taken so I cannot do my routine as planned and it gets me nervous.

I used to do acting in college, and everyone gets the jitters when they feel like they're exposing themselves to a massive audience. Whats interesting about the human mind is that new neuron connections occur when you place yourself into uncomfortable situations. This is can certainly be seen with children who are regularly thrown into a new world with new experiences and new people, and they manage by mirroring the behaviors they observe to be accepted in the environment they're in.

Anyway, trick your mind into thinking that you are not feeling nervous, but excited. I've been to the gym on my own before and its not a big deal. Everyone isn't thinking about you, and who gives a crap anyway. I have more important shit to worry about than others looking at me. Thats the way I perceive it.

Had the same thing when i started going OP. No one in the gym cares about you, they are working on themselves. Go to the gym to focus on yourself. There are plenty of dumber, more autistic people than you in the gym so you have no excuse.

You are scared of being judged. You certainly are being judged so it makes sense.

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Most people will be helpful. Become a regular and you'll make friends by simply sharing a common goal (fitness). You're doing this for that, to be the best you possible...for you. No one else.

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You are talking about butt sex, aren't you?

I'm afraid to post on Any Forums but it's very easy to explain why. A group of criminal terrorists follows me everywhere I go on the internet and gangstalks me irl, harassing me and going through my trash and things like that. They have high-level surveillance access so they can watch me on security cameras around town and track me via satellite. Likely an unholy alliance between one of the Five Eyes countries and China. Just now when I loaded the site they made like four new threads (Monster Energy drink) to harass me. This has been going on for years now.

When I go to the gym, they go too. Your fears are a bit irrational. Be thankful that your life is less complicated than mine.

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Its because you think people are judging you for being weak.

They arent

People are the gym are too busy focusing on their own shit to care how much you lift or what you look like. The only exception are the faggots that hog the bench and squat racks but spend 80% of their time on the fucking phone while doing so.

Seriously. Having a gym buddy is a great way to get over that initial nervousness. You can also spot for each other if you decide to try the free weights.

What they said.

I used to feel the same way. I wish I could give you more advice than this, but I don't know any other way: stick with it.

Eventually you will lose the fear. It's uncomfortable to go somewhere when you're scared to do so, but do it for long enough and one day you'll find yourself feeling relaxed and even welcomed at the gym. Everyone is there to better themselves, and they'll think only good of you when they see you do the same.

I have the same but with homegym

I don't mind going alone but I hate waiting for machines or the rack and bothering people. Most people there are friendly but serious lifters can be rude if you interrupt their routine or hog the rack. Then there's the people who want to 'help' you and then give you terrible bro science tier advice.

You are probably scared in most social situations and this is not a haha nice quirk that I share with my internet friends that are like me. It will wreck your life. You won't escape it by bullshit behavioral advice either

Honestly it's a good place to make new friends. People who are concerned with improving themselves are the of people you want in your life.

Fuck your feelings and grow up

>Become a regular and you'll make friends
Lies. Eight months in a no one talks to me. Everyone just stares.

I also used to be scared. Got sick last year, didn't leave my bed for six months, needed a surgery. Shit was fucking grim. After that I decided that I want to go to the gym, but I was scared of going there alone. Wanted to find a lifting buddy, but since I spent half a year in bed, my relationships with people suffered and I cut contact with most people. I waited and kept asking the remaining friends whether they wanted to go to the gym, excuses everywhere. I was always a skelly but after so much time without exercise it was even worse. Couldn't lift a 5kg dumbbell over my head. Finały I realised that waiting for people is nonsense, because people failed to visit me when I was sick for such a long time so there is no reason to wait for them to go to the gym with me. I was scared of all kinds of shit, being the weakest guy at the gym and possible reactions to it were really fucking terrifying. But I had to do it, so I did it alone and:
- not once I got laughed at, people didn't care
- when someone talked to me it was mostly tips on how to do exercises correctly so I don't hurt myself
- one guy approached me last week and said he remembers me when I started going to this gym and I had to use light dumbbells for everything and now I'm squating 1pl8 (which is shit, I know, but I'm only starting) and going strong and he said 'good work, keep at it'
Now the only thing I feel about it is how big of a pussy I was to let this fear keep me from taking care of my health.

As others have said, so long as you're not doing something colossally retarded (and often even then) nobody at the gym cares about you.
If your schedule and gym allows it, go at like 4am. If the place isn't yours entirely, it's populated by like 1-2 other dudes who care about you even less and are often there for about the same reasons, or are too weird to care about anything but their total weirdness.

this. too much joking around about this sort of thing on here, especially for people like me who came here too young and grew up scrolling this garbage website.

social anxiety, being a hermit, weirdo, outcast, is not "cool", it is not "based", you are not being true to yourself by retreating into yourself. you are becoming a freak.