Can lifting save her?

Can lifting save her?

Attached: 1654971821589.webm (720x1280, 730.22K)

honestly, i would for the fun

wtf is that thing?

Is that a living fleshlight?

Imagine spin kicking that thing so hard its head flies off


Why are asian midgets thinner than regular midgets? (•w•)?

also would

I'm happy we nuked them

Her looksmatch is hanging from the lowest branch in the suicide forest

That would be extremely painful

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Usually I get like that full body revulsion/disgust whenever I look at a midget (same with fatsos and pregnant women and freaks) but I'm not getting that here. I kind of want to fuck it.

you could just pick her up and do anything

>roughly 40kg

Also here to say she can get the HWD if she wants it

She would probably be very grateful.

Attached: pepe-laugh-oh-no-no-no.gif (498x498, 571.14K)

I'd like to take her head off with a bat like a tee-ball set



Why do I want to beat the shit out of midgets so badly? The moment she waddled into frame I wanted to beat the fucking shit out of her

She's an adult? Ok.