Can stretching everyday make you taller?

I'm 5'8" (barefoot) and want to be taller. Every inch counts. I usually wear double socks, shoe lifts, and Doc Marten boots but as a consequence of this I find myself always wearing shoes in the house and I can never go to a pool party or the beach. Is it over?

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Have you tried whispering 'grow grow grow' as you stretch to your full height?

Have you tried using some optical illusion to make yourself appear larger than you actually are?
Since humans rely on visual perception you just need to trick their brain to perceive you larger

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Imagine the smell, etc., but also unironically imagine the smell

Unironically female HRT

It might correct your posture if it's bad which boosts you to your true height, but it won't make your bones grow per se.
>t. recently corrected several months worth of slouching and gained around a quarter of an inch

i HATE the fact that I'm going to ask this, but as a man how do you NOT stare when a girl does this or any type of bending actiong where you can clearly see either her high waisted panty line or two all her damn folds in her camel toe? I'm not even trying to be a coomer but just recently while working out some girl next to me was bending over constantly doing weird toe touch goblet squat things and her ass was phat. I didn't even care that I was caught a few times.

I close my eyes and remember that women are retarded and they can claim rape by just looking at them

Fixing your posture can "make" you taller. Its really just maximizing the height you already have though so no new height is gained

Just take a quick glance and be happy you got the opportunity. It only becomes a problem if you stare like a deer in the headlights. To avoid that have some self restraint

How do I do this bro, should I walk around with a wall on my side, like wat do. Pls respond

Yes but only if you whisper "grow grow grow" while you do it

make face like this and if anyone catches you it will be funny

Attached: 1638602461385.gif (300x290, 1.74M)

stretch your spine, you can grow an inch at the very least
fix knock knees if you have them, they take 4cms of my height in my case!!!
I could be 177 instead of 5'8!!
this go to /x/ and try law of attraction once you finish the above steps, you wont be wasting your time since you already tried the other options (and they probably worked if you kept at it long enough)
Even if you didnt change your height, you'd start accepting it after a while, and that's better than nothing

try meditation too
or yoga
it relaxes your muscles and let's your spine elongate
and maybe it lets the extra calcium form in to lenght

just know that you will never have this, while busting a nut is lame, but also safe way of releasing pressure. Honestly I make myself not to look at women in the gym, simply due to this fact. There is no point in fantasizing about something you will not get, ever.

that's bullshit, HRT actually makes you shorter sometimes
google "HRT height decrease" and see how many results you get

take a glance and stop looking after that

slowly start to masturbate and moan. when she calls you out tell her you were just pretending to be a creep

Im 6ft 3 and i unironically wear lifts, just to further mog short guys into a fucking oblivion.. a 5'9 guy next to a 6'3 is bad enough, but in lifts, its fucking brutal.. i also tell people im shorter than i am, ill say im 6'1 (when irl with lifts in like 6ft6) just to make them look bad

Kek i do this too except i'm 6'7 and mog 6'4 guys

Only other option outside of stretches and fixing posture is surgery. You can get another 3" making you 5'11 but that's about it. And the surgery is incredibly expensive unless you get it done in a 3rd world country. I'm 5'8 too, I just don't care anymore. If I'm gonna get mogged and die a virgin so be it.