Is recomping a myth? Do I have to bulk and cut?

Is recomping a myth? Do I have to bulk and cut?

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Its possible but difficult and slow. You will make faster progress bulking and cutting.

it depends

Yes except in specific temporary situations like the first few months when you get back into lifting.

Bulking is a trick to make you grow new fat cells that are permanent once there. Setting you up for a constant struggle the rest of your life. Frauds are the only ones who can do it effectively because PEDs are literally magic.

Chestbrah looks better without those ridiculous tattoos.

Without tren theres No bulk or cut. Nattys adopter these terms from tren blasting fiends

You have to get to a point of muscle wasting, and then eat right and train desired muscles. Totally possible but if you think you can do it in a few months or something then u dumb

Good morning sirs.

Yes to both
Recomp only works for two types of people: beginners and roiders.

They all looked better without them. These guys were my initial motivation to start lifting. I was 100% cardiofag before I started lurking here.

Yeah because anybody who isn't a beginner has already recomped.

this is complete bullshit please stop pushing this retardation

Then explain why pro bodybuilders, who are using a lot of roids, bulk and cut instead of recomping all year.

Recomping only really works for those with muscle memory, i.e. people who used to lift but haven't for some years and got fat

I mean, just cut and keep lifting heavy, dont be a pussy. And then lean bulk. It aint rocket science

Unless you're brand new to lifting, it's a meme. I tried recomping for 2 years just to see. I made literally zero progress.

Recomp doesn't usually work for roiders either. Basically just beginners.

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I have read that once fat cells are created they stay there forever. Is it true? Is there a natural way to get rid of them? For example now I jsut cut and lost my gyno but if I bulk will it all go back in my gyno area again?

yeah, maybe

the first 10-15%BF men get usually go to the gut tho