All that matters for abs is low bf%

>all that matters for abs is low bf%

Attached: holocaust_starvingprisoners.jpg (600x450, 50.05K)

Obviusly Their muscle mass atrophied

But they did heavy work so how did that happen?
>muh fake holocaust
What about normal slaves

But you don't need muscle for abs, only low bf

Insufficient calories. At that point, the body's priority is pure survival so it eats away at muscle mass in order to keep you alive

Oh that makes sense, thanks. Dumb nazis, should have filled them with bread and shit so they get stronger and do more work

>suck in stomach and hold repeatedly
>leg raises while laying down on back
>pullups and raise legs each rep
>water fast
>One large meal everyday (no extra snacks or milk)


The Holocaust didn't occur as portrayed. I wish it did.

Attached: 20201217_144352.jpg (750x1334, 140.11K)

You really think they were trying to do anything else at deathcamps apart from killing them?

Look at all those typhus victims. Tragic

>death camps

I mean they were enslaved worked to death. But why killing them when you can let them work harder

Because it's cheaper to feed them less and just let them starve than to feed them more and have them work hard as a result. They were forced to work hard either way, but I don't think the Nazis wanted to strengthen the Jews and keep them around any longer than they needed to

Yes from being vegan.

they aren't flexing, you need to flex to have your abs show

They stopped absorbing ambient evil from the air around them because NS Germany was too righteous. Jews live off of that stuff, it's why they started withering away en mass.

Attached: 2dog.jpg (750x802, 213.96K)

I cut alot a couple months ago and although my abs were there, I overall just looked like a starved african. Lost most of my strength too, total fail of a cut. Went back to eating a surplus and things still aren't the same. Hoping I can do a better cut next year, I'm thinking my problem was not enough protein.

If the point was to kill them, they sure were inefficient at it.
You'd think they'd just shoot them and save the effort of starving them slowly. Or cut their throats, if you don't want to waste a bullet.

>make Jews work
>"death" camp

They made the jews work without pay. A fate worse than death.


There is this one pic of a ripped jew among these hollows

since their muscle fucked off their bf% isn't that low

low bf% not 0 bf%