
What’s the catch with this shit? My primary source of carbs has been fruit, with the exception of 1 potato a day with my eggs, and I’ve notice insane improvements. I probably eat 4-5 bananas a day, 3 or so apples, like 6 cups of organic apple sauce, and probably 2-2.5 cups of blueberries a day. I’ve been doing this for a little over a month and have noticed

>better body composition overall. Leaner with a “fullness” to my muscles
>better, more consistent mood
>insane dreams and very deep sleep
>no longer groggy in the morning, wake up sharp every morning ready to go
>pristine shits
>not a blemish on my skin
>maybe placebo, but feel far less aches and pains in gym. General feeling of overall less immflamuation

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I eat cleaner than anybody I know : You're overdoing the fruit by a longshot.

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if you eat it you're a vegan

Care to explain, and/or, post body?

Nothing, as far as foods go fruit is a lot less tampered with than other foodstuff, so it still has a glimmer of its original nutritional value, and its original nutritional value is through the roof as fruit want to be eaten for you to shit their seeds everywhere

You’re eating too much banana.

And yet we shit it straight into a toilet. Clown world.

This is a good post

The main issue with fruit is that it's got lots of sugar rather than complex carbs
That or if people are only getting it in juice form which is often made from concentrate and has less in terms of nutrients/fibre

Ever since I stopped eating fruit I don't crave it anymore. Weird

complex carbs are a meme sugar is good for you

tell that to your teeth

I've always hated frit but recently I've been enjoying a daily mango and some blueberries and a glass of OJ with brekkie. As Sv3rige says, there really isn't much to fruits other than sugar and water plus indigestible fiber so there is very little benefit other than what you have been memed into believing.

Fruit is literally the healthiest thing you can eats besides vegetables.

Which of you is correct?


vegetables are at best neutral for your health, fruits are a good carb source....if you need them (most people don't)

but a handful of vegetables are toxic, especially if you have a sensitivity to the poisons they make to dissuade predation

You people are full of shit fruit and vegetables are probably the healthiest thing you can eat?

Too many lectins. They kill people. So sad!

Ever since I removed the banana and kiwi (replaced them by colorful bell pepper) I noticed more energy, more fat loss and better recup. I still think I will go back to banana and kiwi because they are tasty but for a cut I wouldn't recommend fruits.

fruits only slow down weight loss, if you want that effect just only eat animal products so you dont store fat

ok but where do you get vit C from a natural source if not fruit/veggies? (asking seriously)

meat contains vit C in sufficient amounts to prevent scurvy (fresh meat not processed)

the thing is, carbs increase your need for vit C, so essentially every case of scurvy was paradoxically caused by carbohydrates, if you want to eat carbs then make sure it contains a lot of vit C

What types of vegetables aren't toxic? Peat argues carrots and peppers are pretty good, just get organic

ray peat (rape eat) is a bit out there I dont really follow him

the toxic veggie categories are
1. brassica (sulfuraphane)
2. solanacea (solanine)

outside of these, tubers (generally but not potatoes which are solanacea) are fine generally but can contain high levels of oxalic acid which causes a large number of degenerative diseases, but most plants contain some oxalic acid and if not over consumed is excreted and not stored

>the thing is, carbs increase your need for vit C
Absolute nonsense keto/carnivore conspiracy theory. Literal "source: I made it up" territory. You fucks would be funny if your advice wasn't so dangerous.

Absolute horse shit. High oxalate consumption only worsens existing kidney disease. There is not a single case of someone with otherwise healthy kidneys developing renal dysfunction due to brassica/leafy green consumption

its a provable fact, both scientifically and anthropologically/historically

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