Summer sun exposure

>gives you vitamin D and boosts test
>gives you cancer and ages your skin
What's the current thinking on this?

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I think that I've been told that everything causes cancer, and much of it is correlation studies based on lifestyle and dietary surveys, which are notoriously inaccurate.
Due to this, hardly any of it is trustworthy.
Go outside.

Doesn't give you cancer, people with metabolic disease due to malnutrition / modern food consumption cannot repair UV damage from the sun and get cancer. Proof of this is the massive increase in skin cancer in the past 70 years, all while sunscreen use has increased along with cancer awareness. It's the food.

Ideally we would eat traditionally and get a moderate amount of sun, without sunscreen, and tjere will be little risk of cancer.

she gets HWD [HUGE WHITE DICK] exposure

>what is moderation

>limit exposure to only a couple of hours at most a day
>when hiking, just wear sunscreen
not my problem

>fit posts some trucker faggot exposed to sun for 70 years
>hahaha sun makes u look old xD
>T. user, 40 year old virgin because he looks like a ghost with aids

Tdlr get a healthy amount of sun and stop caring about aging so much
If u actually care about aging you should do low protein, low calorie diet and fast regularly

Time of day is also a factor. I hike as well, just never between 12 and 3 pm.

>>gives you vitamin D and boosts test
>>gives you cancer and ages your skin
>current thinking

Getting cancer from sun exposure is dependent on so many other variables. Just try to get some good sun as often as you can. Don’t avoid it and also don’t sun bathe for hours on end either.

I can‘t sun bathe very long. Like It‘s too fucking hot or too fucking boring

Bro the ozone layer is the cause of skin cancer used to protect everyone from the harmful bits and you could be outside all day without worry till we put a big gaping asshole in it and now the sun is dangerous.

same bruv, as soon as I start sweating I just get uncomfortable, don't see the point of it.

It’s fucking retarded considering wild animals don’t rampantly die from cancer when they’re old. Granted most animals don’t get very old, but they’re not dying in droves in their respected 40s to cancer

That said I’d do something like 30 min bathing exposure at a time and maybe 10 min in the face to not look 20 years older than you are

It‘s not like I don‘t like getting tanned, but just tried reading in the sun the other day. I was soaking in sweat and couldn‘t maintain more than 10 minutes

The spike in skin cancer is because people are living longer to get it.
We just don’t live dangerous lives anymore, so a lot fewer people are dying from factory/farm accidents and war.
You also have medication to fight infection and bleeding, so a bad cut isn’t going to kill you.
We also have running water and soap.
We basically removed most of the early deaths, making the gap between the pre-50 and post-50 total life expectancy smaller (in 1900, it was 47 and 72, now it’s 79 and 81).

I get 10 minutes of shirtless direct South Florida sunlight a day, but i am black. I wouldn't recommend a white person do this without applying full body sunscreen.

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This is a meme. Majority of cancers are not caused by old age. Majority of cancers are caused by preventable illness brought on by eating goyslop your entire life. A lifetime of ingesting microplastics, pesticides, living in a city with bad air quality, smoking, drinking, fast food, etc.

Corporate greed caused the cancer spike we see today, along with several other preventable illnesses. Who could be behind this?


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I've researched this pretty thoroughly. We need sun exposure. Fucking Period. Without it, we aren';t normal and healthy. Period. Black and Browinsh people need even MORE than whiteys do. PEriod.

The question is: how much? This requires intelligence and caution. Burns are bad and can cause damage. They are also very unnatural. If you were living the lifestyle we are deisgned to live you would be outside all day in February, getting all the weak, northern sun you needed and never getting burned. As the sun gets brighter/hotter/closer as the spring and summer pass, your skin would slowly adapt to the exposure it naturally gets. And then, when you were outside working for 8 hours in july, you would not get burned; you weould be safely adapted to that amount of exposure. Contrast that with working inside under floruescent lights, then going to a summer "beach vacation" where youre outside in full summer sun for 8 hours per day - of course youre going to burn because youre not adapted. The answer is to slowly and pregresively expoise your skin to adapt , to obtaion the benfiots and to prevent burns.

great article discussing all of this, eszpecially intersting discussion on negores, sun exposure and high blood pressure (hint - they need mroe sunlight than whioteys)