Do I have to deadlift?

Do I have to deadlift?

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it's a meme made to give you sciatica

I would do them but it puts so much stress on my lower back and I can barely do squats already

No it's a meme like squats

Any DL pros here can tell me if the bar always has to touch the leg as it comes up?

not really but its essential for mogging normied

You don't have to do them but you don't have to be strong either. Your choice

You don't have to do anything but they're a great exercise

The point of perfect form is that the bar travels the shortest distance possible. So it should only touch your legs while straightening out, not when at the height of your shins since they’re not vertical at that point.
I mean, you’ll see guys like Eddie Hall do it differently but those guys are monsters, the average lifter benefits from optimal form
Look at this video from Clarence (he dls at around 1 minute) for reference of a perfect form

Of course you have to fucking deadlift. Yes. You wanted to ask and hoped someone would say no, and all thesr pussies did.

But those pussies are wrong. They know it, I know it, and you know it. You know the truth, my friend. You have to deadlift.

Deadlifting is gay as shit and fucks up your spine.

do kettlebell swings, rope pull throughs or good mornings to work lower back/spine
good mornings can fuck you too though

>Of course you have to fucking deadlift. Yes. You wanted to ask and hoped someone would say no, and all thesr pussies did.
>But those pussies are wrong. They know it, I know it, and you know it. You know the truth, my friend. You have to deadlift.

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just do what feels right lmao

If you do them with a fucked up form.

Deadlifts are used to strengthen lower back muscles and treat lower back pain in physical therapy when done correctly.

cleans and clean pulls are much better than the deadlift

it's the biggest normalfag lift though

Literally only 3 people at my gym do deadliest and it's full of normals. Me, the hot girl, and the kid who copies my routine

God I fucking hate this new phone and its dogshit autocorrect

I don't do them but these dyel twigs convinced me I should. Have never witnessed such cope.

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I would say deadlift is necessary. I think doing a diverse range of exercises is good, which incudes deadlift. It takes less of a toll on your back as you practice. Also aim for reps, not most weight.