Lifting with Varicocele

>Nearly 70% of bodybuilders and athletes have reported Varicocele

How to deal with this shit?

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Does this shit ever cause pain in a testicle?
It seems that one of my nuts is way more sensitive than the other, where it will randomly start hurting if I touch it, but not in a manner that I can reproduce (so if I touch it in the same place that it hurt before it won't after doing it again). Idk, maybe I am just imagining this. I'm not sure if it's this, since all the images online that I've seen of it are very obvious. I'm also sure it's not testicular torsion since I had a friend who had it who immediately had to go to the ER because of it, and from him and a bunch of people online I've been told that there's no question if you have that.

get your balls checked.

wait do bodybuilders actually have higher incidence of varicocele. whack. I'm looking to get mine removed

A correlation study found out that nearly 70% of gymrats who squatted without a belt had developed Varicocele.

This shit will impair test production. I wonder how many guys are stuck taking trt for the rest of their lives when instead they could have done pic related to regain natural t levels

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I had a gnarley one for a year and it literally just went away. I was even looking at surgery and stuff but it’s fine now

interesting, thanks for the info.

bodybuilders don't care about long term effects, none of the exercises they do are functional, they don't have any cardio

Do u remember where u read this?


It may impair test production but in a really small percentage. Like 8 or 9 percent decrease.
Absolutely fucking nothing compared to a bad diet, bad sleep, too much stress and drugs.
I assure you that you don't need TRT for this small decrease.

who the fuck invented balls?
why are they so flawed?

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Dude yes! I thot it was “epididimtis”.

Once a month the cords (vas deferns) that attach my nuts to my body swell up. Feels like blue balls sometimes it last three days some times it last 3 hours

Hydrate and give a hearty tug

Has it affected you in test/fertility?

I complained about this as a kid to a nurse and some 70 year old creepy ass doctor came in and fondled my balls.
He said it wasn't that big a deal so I never really bothered dealing with it.

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one of my balls aches and looks weirdly positioned from the other sometimes. How do I know if I have it?

>Nearly 70% of bodybuilders and athletes have reported Varicocele
Wtf? Source?

It can cause pain, but I don't think it makes the nut more sensitive. I get aches every so often but that's about it.

Had one on my left nut for 3 years now, a ons who have had surgery to fix it how does the procedure go and what's the recovery time, its pretty annoying and I've kinda learned to live with it now, only thing that has worked for me so far is running often, though it always comes back after a week or so

anyone else had a hydrocele before?
seems like the appropriate thread to ask.
its not sore or anything, just have one obviously larger nut than the other.
got scared out of getting it removed via surgery because they said i could lose function in that ball if they fuck it up

mine doesn't hurt unless i edge for like 2-3 days and then i can barely walk, but once i cum it's all good
BUT i just recently discovered that it lowers test production and now i actually think of getting the surgery despite the fact that it doesn't cause me any issues except for the just mentioned rare situation

am i an idiot for thinking about getting surgery?

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bumping for answers