Is PPLPPLX the ultimate routine for natty aesthetics?

Is PPLPPLX the ultimate routine for natty aesthetics?

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No, but PPPPL is

PPL plus a day of cardio is my shit

And my mom says I'm the best looking young man out there


He is natty I will die in this hill

I'm interested in your evidence.

What the fuck is with the leg heavy physiques? Having a disproportionately large lower body is a feminine trait.

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That's what I do.

I enjoy fucking men with leg/glute heavy physiques

t. man with upper body heavy physique

Am I just ngmi? :(

wtf I know this guy

I just don't understand why it's shilled so hard here. It's possibly the worst split you can do and I feel like people only defend it to justify wasting months/years on it. The few guys in my gym that I noticed run it are all extremely small.

What would you suggest Mr expert

>8 day schedule
You can't fucking do that

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>Not doing an 8 day PPL routine

>three days
>full body
>push yourself in the gym
>LISS and/or calisthenics and/or yoga three other days
>one rest day (Sunday)
simple as

>not doing PPPPPPR

5-6 day a week full body. It's how the Silver Era guys trained. Stop being a bitch

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What about 30 day routine

for me it's
Push, Pull, Legs+1 or 2 dumbbell push exercises, Rest
Pull, Push, Legs+1 or 2 dumbbell pull exercises, Rest

am I retarded? aren't the X's supposed to be rest days?

All Push?

All pull.
Pulling out of yo mama gottem

Push Pull Push Pull Push Pull Rest (on Sunday, as God intended)