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Dont you love how shes so lean but still has decent size titties? Many lose it all

What kind of man are these women attracted to? Do you HAVE to be 6'0 and above with a Delon-tier face?

She is ugly as fuck. You all need better standards

HWD (how would Delon) face help me?

post your ideal woman

She said all her boyfriends were dyels. They were probably tall tho.

Strikes me as the 1 in a billion autistic white girl who dates some asian dyel.

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Women are not supposed to be this lean. I guarantee this women has fertility problems and irregular periods.
If you think this whore is attractive then you are a closeted homosexual.

are you people really this deluded and dysmorphic? what the fuck is goin on with this board nowadays. GTFO zoomers
delon could never touch a piece of metal in his life and fuck virtually any woman on the planet with ease, dudes like that wouldn’t touch this anavar blasting woman with a 10 foot pole

I had a fwb who was a varbie crossfit instructor while I was a skinny fat nerd. Just shoot your fucking shot.

She's shown what she previously looked like. She was hot and just an average girl with nice thighs and face. Her "transformation" into whatever this is plus those god awful tattoos suggests she was raped at some point in her life, maybe repeatedly. This isn't the work of dedication to the gym, this is the work of trauma and terrible coping mechanisms.

she's only submissive to HWD

>single mom

is the kid a niglet?

"Are you looking for your anavar it's in the fridge babe next to my tren"

It's quite obvious she has a femdom fetish so I would guess smaller, maybe skinny guys.

You must be ESL.

What the fuck is this delon shit, is this a new meme word from lookism zoomers or what

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Holy newfag

Brah I would lift her up and bang her FUUUEELL NELSON BRAHHH

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She's lesbian chud

The point is that do you have to be tall + have Delon-tier face fuck and suck hot fit girls

zoomer spotted

Ok so daddy raped her uwu
Wish i could have watched uwu

So typical gymrat got it