I lift for her so i can make her proud one day

i lift for her so i can make her proud one day

Attached: gwen518.png (1284x1170, 1.39M)

that is a cartoon
pixels on a screen
its not real

Neither was the holocaust and it still shapes the world today.

Are you going to dye your hair like her and shoot up a grocery store with four people in it?

what is your point user? why are you upset?

I guess I struck a nerve. Are you jewish?

coping and seething

she only cares for HWD [HUGE WHITE DICK], sorry user

Quite the chip on your shoulder, schlomo

Good for you user. It might also be good to touch grass.

gay and eternally onlinepilled
Based and redpilled

you trannies will never be real women. cope and seethe

Based and Tranny Phantom pilled

based and dedicated. we're gonna make it brah.

Attached: 8f823ca2d1f71819f11fc6968a8cc1f1.gif (500x500, 587.71K)

That anime girl is literally my girlfriend in anime form. I'll trade you for a Haruhi girl.

I'm not posting more than this, since I'm gonna go work out now (she motivates me and makes me happy)

Attached: cfc.jpg (850x850, 102.52K)



cool who the fuck ask

me, ESL

Holy based

Maybe I should. Where did you say you live again?

jannies get mad when i post my waifu