
I'm in awe whenever I read/hear about some guy going absolutely fucking nuts by dedicating every fiber of their being to a craft.
>Kobe making 1,000 shots a day in one summer
>The Beatles playing in bars/pubs for free for eight hours a day
>David Goggins running 100 miles a week, and running dozens of ultra marathons in a year

How does someone obtain this indomitable willpower?

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I don't know if there's anything to obtain. They just really, really, really, really wanted to be the best in their field.

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You basically can't get a hardass personality in adulthood. It's not over, you can still improve. But just like iq, hardness is pretty much set in stone after teenage years.

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It's about an obsession for success

I have lived this way and it pays off

Still enjoying the fruits of this work

You have to take full control and do what no one else is willing to do

To attain an unusual level of success you have to live an unusual life, typical actions will yield typical results.

One must be willing to sacrifice even when you reach a comfortable level of success

You should strive to build in some positive tasks into your routine, it’s more realistic than going to some extreme and getting burned out in a week.

Add in some thing you want to do that you aren’t doing for 30mins-hour a day and view your day as a failure if you don’t do it. Once it becomes so normal and routine you can add in more things

This is the natural state of any man without a master. What you're looking for is freedom.

Insight meditation.

On silent retreats people may sit for 18 hours a day and sleep 4 hours a night.

Use Sam Harris' Waking Up app, learn to practice, sit for 2 hours a day.

That and the athleticism of physical exertion is it.

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It is natural for a man to want to be free

When you put an animal in a cage it wants to leave the cage

Autonomy is freedom, but temptation is a path to mental slavery

It is self-discipline and hard work that pushes the pressures of economic domination at bay and frees a man to live exactly as he chooses

One does not choose to dominate and exploit another man without first being compromised by greed, you do not need to dominate someone else to become free, you have to conquer yourself


You need to be willing to dedicate your life to one thing and to have the genetics and circumstances for it. These examples are all extreme survivorship bias too, you don't hear about the people who did these things and ended up with injuries, financial ruin or otherwise fucking their lives up over it.

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>These examples are all extreme survivorship bias too, you don't hear about the people who did these things
barely anyone does that

There is like 1% of the population that can function well on 5 hours of sleep per night, but it's because they have some specific genetics for it. If you don't have this, then you need 7-8 hours if you want to function optimally and have good long term health.

People who autistically devote themselves to a pass time obsessively, but still fail at it? Yeah, there are lots of people who do that. In this case "failing" basically means that you don't manage to turn it into a successful career.


Not true just needs a big abrupt change in life circumstances. Think people who go through some traumatic experience or get sucked into cults that live in slave tier conditions

Because they don’t go through the power process and therefore dedicate their life to surrogate activists in order to try to fill the void.

Goggins was a fat slob into his late 20s until he snapped and became a schizo ultramarathoner who completed all special forces training tests for the lulz

The secret it to build up to it little by little accumulating pebbles to make a mountain

For us, making an intentional use of the Internet would be far harder and far more conducive to "willpowermaxxing" than all that. We're all addicts here, let's admit it. No normally functioning or successful person comes here

You tell your bitch mind to shut the fuck up and instead help you achieve your goal. Brute force it, again and again. That's the only way. There is no real mental trick other than that.

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