What is the cheapest pound for pound source of protein? WebM unrelated

What is the cheapest pound for pound source of protein? WebM unrelated

Attached: husband-tells-wife-stop-ordering-doordash_xztgUREi.webm (480x600, 2.55M)

Nothing is cheap anymore.

Learn to code now if you want to hit protein intake with a healthy variety of protein everyday.

hahaha omg bro you paired up a bait webm with an unrelated question lmao dude that's freaking crazy man.

>Cheapest protein
Roadkill and trapped rats

How nice of her to record evidence for the divorce court.

Haha you think that matters? He s fucked anyway

Do you faggots not understand the concept of making a fake video for clout?

you're probably right.
That's what you get when you pair for hotness alone I guess.

Attached: 1631714108920.jpg (405x720, 41.48K)


What the fuck is a door dash?

wtf is Google

>muh learn to code

You retard

whey powder. a thread died for this

>Ze bugs

>read this as redkrill
I thought I'd uncovered a whale using the internet.

Attached: red krill.png (1280x630, 1.84M)

To be fair krills taste good (and underrated)

>not being autistic enough to scrape the websites of your local supermarkets for prices and nutrition information to create your own spreadsheet
You probably won't be happy with the results though.

Attached: file.png (1299x468, 108.11K)

She's certainly getting dicked by BBC on the side

That ho is a 6.
Just because a women isn’t fat does not make her attractive. I feel bad for you Americans and your adipose eyes

She needs correction.

All women that don't get correction rape fuck men on the side for it.
t. Bvll and correction rape master

Attached: 1474681491388.jpg (900x900, 260.38K)

Wish she had my kids, bitch is hilarious

>pasta perfect bulking food
ignoring all that inflammation and stuff this makes me feel better about eating it once every few days