What would Any Forums do about the obesety problem?

youtu.be/iziwnCHjoAI?t=591 and is he right about bullying? I think he is to an extent, I'm glad I got picked on, made me self improooove. But there's also limits.

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Bullying an autistic kid doesn't do anything though.

Bullying normies works though.

Thats the difference.

Eat them
Eat them

Make steroids a public utiloty paid by taxes
Execute any man above 12% bodyfat

>turn every man into a tranny

>fed & fraud

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Fresh and fit is dog shit tier garbage.
You will rot your brain watching them.
They assemble Grade A sluts every show and act like Chads when they win arguments with them.

You are going to cripple your mentality towards women if you watch it regularly.

Being aware of female nature is important, but trying to act like Andrew Tate or these fags is not conducive to building a satisfying life, career, or family.

He's a literal 2/10 shitskin muslim who was so much of an incel he became a TSA agent just to grope women because it was the closest he could ever get to pussy

Women go on his show purely to chase clout and it makes them more popular and makes them money. The losers giving superchat money to Fresh and Fit are powerless and they are mocking these women from the basements they dwell in whereas the women go on to increase their IG followings by thousands and get normies to congratulate them on their bravery for going toe to toe with misogynist incels

Myron also got busted trying to manipulate every single female guest to have sex with him as some kind of door-entry price to come on the show.

Myron picked a fight with some other much bigger black guy duo youtube channel and then chickened out of the fight.

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>Andrew Tate
kek imagine listening to that chinless bald incel loser
>b-but Andrew Tate was a world champion kickboxer
yeah like over a decade ago, he's now a sexpat hiding in Romania

Personally for me, I never lost weight due to bullying. It never helped.

I only began losing weight when I realized that there isn't some woman who will accept me for who I am. Sure there are women who like fat guys, or will put up with it if they're charismatic or nice, but they're so rare. MORE SO, if I don't really like fat women, why would I expect the double standard?

I think a more positive outlook on fitness is more effective. Not to mention more information helps as well.

I am extremely happy to see that even on Any Forums there are men not duped by these turbo faggots.

Ban seed oils

> He's a literal 2/10 shitskin muslim who was so much of an incel he became a TSA agent just to grope women because it was the closest he could ever get to pussy
Kek, accurate.

t. triggered simp beta

That seems to be the goal anyway. I'd rather be a roid tranny than a weak one.

End all oil plant, sugar, meat and dairy subsidies. Their price goes up, demand goes does, obesity goes down. It's litreally that easy and saves a trillion of tax money.

Bullying will just cause them to attach their identity to it. I didn't want to lose my weight because people around me would bully me for it and I wanted to prove them wrong

You’re a turbo fag if you need guidance from fresh and fit.
Literally was a TSA incel nog, before the podcast. They share absolutely nothing of value in their show and set up young, dumb sluts on their show then act Chad.

It is cringe as fuck and your simping for them on Any Forums is pathetic bro.

"bullying will make you improve yourself" is cope spewed by the same ppl who call themselves "brutally honest" but cry when someone says they're being rude

I for one prefer a brutal truth than a honest lie, even if it is rare these days. Living a lie is not a healthy life style.

Inflation will hit the shelves at the fat poor people will lose weight no matter what due to the cost of living.

I never understood why people mock others for being simps to women and still donate to the manosphere like simps. You just changed your idol, you didn't learn the lesson. So many grifters out there.

I only like Terrance Pop because at least he's trying to raise awareness and save males from suicide, risks of divorce too.

those veins on his arms, nice.