Does pic related cause cancer? I just went to woolies to grab some and they don’t sell them anymore...

Does pic related cause cancer? I just went to woolies to grab some and they don’t sell them anymore. Turns out they were discontinued. Now I smell like shit. No other deodorant stops me from smelling like shit all day. Any alternatives? I know I should’ve bought 300 like a did with my go to toothbrush.

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use women's deodorant desu. i use it all the time and it smells better than mens and actually gives u less pit stains.

get mitchum instead

>any alternatives
Do you live in North Korea or something? Nobody is communist anymore, we have every alternative to that specific deoderant with every scent you could ask for. And it the store doesn't have it, fine go to another one they have more. If they dont have what you like, order it online. You can order anything online these days

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I like dove mens sport

unironically this. a girlfriend in 2017 left her deodorant over when we broke up and I didn't wanna buy a new one and the habit stuck. Now girlies tell me I smell nice.

They all suck. I don’t want to buy and try. I need recommendations.

All hygiene products are carcinogenic, use them sparingly, or avoid alltogether.

I deleted soap and deodorant from my routine and it fixed my body odor problems. Ironic

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No, even worse, it causes low testosterone.

Pretending you don’t smell like shit isn’t the same as removing your odor problems

Lol it's not something you can pretend, if you stink people around will be obviously disgusted by you and your friends will meme on your stinky ass

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but old spice commercials say its the scent of a man and gets the most bitches so i must buy it

Did they give a reason? could've sworn i saw this at woolies very recently

Uhhh I still have one and use it regularly.
If I get cancer, sobeit, at least I'll smell good.

If it was dangerous or carcinogenic, wouldn't the government ban it? Why would the FDA allow a harmful product go to retail shelves?


I wash myself with a full bar of the cheapest soap every morning and every evening because I want to smell like a Sudanese migrant who works as a professional.

>smell good
>old spice
>not lynx africa
Do want to be the biggest loser at the school disco or what?

Old Spice is so good, but it's like dough; a base rather than a full flavour.

You gotta do the old spice roller then a nice, mature, cologne. Anything with bergamot works well on top of old spice.

>ruining your good cologne with scented deodorant
Use odorless deodorant mate