Holy shit, i finally found out how real men work their legs

Holy shit, i finally found out how real men work their legs

Attached: Farmers-Walk-Steps.jpg (800x600, 58.14K)

Might as well wear a weighted vest


these also workout your shoulders, arms and your core, stupid image made by a retard. If you aren't gripping tight you aren't doing it right.

There is nothing harder than high rep squatting. It's the sole reason dyels like you avoid it.

Not gonna blow out my back or knees to look cool sorry.


just work manual labour

You also won't be making any gains with db farmer walks

Attached: 1650138591259.jpg (526x567, 73.73K)


Is there any (mechanical) difference between doing farmer's walks/carries with
>trap bars

Attached: 1620206642180.png (500x500, 134.54K)

Ineffective and inefficient. Your arms will tire before your legs get any real work.

do it on the stairs and it burns alot faster

yes but no

thats why you do farmer's squats

Wouldn't lunges be better?

lunges with a barbell on my shoulders feels like something I would slip and break my neck while doing so, I'll pass man

That's what she said.

Attached: tumblr_f0b8a46de9b0ea3d22363db31ea99f6a_b66137ab_1280.jpg (1185x1489, 646.58K)

I thought this whole discussion was based around dumbells

farmer's squats
you get the barbell on your shoulders as if you were about to squat, then just walk

We talking sets of 10 or 20? I agree, but the reason they're hard varies based on rep number.

More forearms than legs. Honestly gets my forearms pumping more than any other lift.

you can do this + shrugs at the same time to hit both forearms and traps