Do people born with autism have higher testosterone i know they have more neanderthal genes

do people born with autism have higher testosterone i know they have more neanderthal genes

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The only thing that the autistic are more prone to is shooting up schools.

No, they don't have more test. They do have a more masculine brain though

I thought bottom right was attractive but the longer you look at him the more retarded he gets.

asymmetrical face

im not autism bro

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Sperg with normal T levels here.

He's the most attractive of the bunch but it's not saying much

he has that dreamworks face shit going on with his eyebrow

More prenatal testosterone in the womb, but their inability to function and shit diet caused by being isolated from people and stress would hinder them.

am i ok?

Applies to everyone desu, if you look too long at a picture.

forgot pic

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not particularly but the mindset required to make it to the top of sports is borderline autistic, so if they're driven they've got an edge on others, they're the only people that'll do the exact same thing everyday without skipping a single day for decades and never lose joy in it, which is why it's not surprising that the current strongest man on the planet is an autist.

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holy shit woman tier test

no you're on here

Autism is just the warrior mindset. They demonize and medicate it. They fear it. Autist were the Crusaders, Jihadist, and Revolutionaries of the past. A mind foreign to that of the sheep and cattle. Willing to die for ideology.

No. But autistic people are often exposed to higher test levels in the womb for whatever reason. My brothers autistic and his test levels are in the 300s from what he told me. Too high for trt, too low for good quality of life.

Eh, probably 'autistic' but I was raised on a fast-food diet. I like to tell myself that I would've been a unstoppable beast if I had eaten real food, but the universe couldn't handle something so powerful.

that is an extremely autistic thing to type up my brother.
