How do i attain this body

How do i attain this body

Attached: 2020-11-23.png (1920x1080, 3.02M)

>Eat to 1000+ pounds
>Take every performance enhancer you can find
>Workout while maintaining 20k+ calories a day

pls keybind your abilities

I've been a clicker for over 15 years, my friend used to rage because of it, he was obsessed with keybinds

I literally click all my spells and I'm always top 3 in every BG or raid

keybinds are natty

>How do i attain this body
reroll to pally


delete this fucking thread jannies lmao it's obviously a shit post.

who the fuck plays retail these days you sad fuck

eat moar quarter pounders

its from 2020

Try arena. Solo shuffle is out now you can peak in and have a gander.

WoW was prime 2004-2009. Anyone who disagrees is a faggot.
>inb4 muh useless specs in vanilla
>inb4 muh lack of raid finder
The lore went to shit, the world got smaller, the community died, there was no sense of wonder or adventure anymore.

lmfao you dogshit player, prob never been above 13 hundo cr in ur entire life, ahahaah casual bg player thinks being top dam in a random bg is the pinnacle of skill. Keybind ur abilites and learn to play teribad shaman.

Also this

Attached: 466aaf163a688555251273840e981468912f0858eb91e8172ada5dc118fb6686_1.jpg (640x395, 67.39K)

Holy fuck who plays wow still? Is this post all trannies?

>t 1300 cr player

I am literally in the top 20 clickers worldwide club,
we are a superior species of gamers

100% natty

Attached: yd20m153ah571.jpg (230x476, 14.4K)

Ill have you know I got 1.8k in Shadowlands Season 2, playing necro DH so suck it noob

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1800 in modern WoW is equivalent to 1200 in old WoW

Considering gladiator used to be as low as 2200 - 2600 and is now like 3000+

I have no fucking clue what that is you faggot

5x5s+gomad for 8 years