How big a % of the general population can squat 315 below parallel? I think people here overestimate it by a lot

How big a % of the general population can squat 315 below parallel? I think people here overestimate it by a lot

Attached: 8505635B-F1D3-447D-9470-AE6C3FC99B88.gif (338x610, 2.33M)

315 would be on the lower range for the average untrained American, probably 50-75% could squat 315 or more


Probably less than 0.5%
90% don't even go to the gym
90% of the ones that do go to the gym just fuck around doing cardio or machines
80% of the ones that take it 'seriously' are bench bros or otherwise skip legs
Obviously if you narrow down the criteria to uni/college towns where there are more young, fit people who lift for sports then it's a higher number but that's narrowing it down

I think only

Even among people who take fitness seriously, lift several days a week, what would it be? 10%? 15?

Keke, pretty weak bait though tbqh

Anyone who takes fitness seriously can squat 3pl8. If you can't, you're not taking it seriously or you haven't trained long enough. 3pl8 is well, well within every healthy man's natty limit.

Am i just low T then? I am 22 years old, been lifting seriously since i was like 20 and can still only get 225 for 5-6 reps
I one rep max like 265 on a good day


Well for the average American a 315 lb squat is just called a bodyweight squat.

You're not lifting seriously enough. Check your diet, your form, your bracing, your breathing, your energy, your attitude, etc. If you're stuck at 265, you're doing something wrong. Having said that it took me more than 2 years to hit 3pl8. Just keep going. Even if you only go up by 10lbs per year you'll make it eventually.

>Having said that it took me more than 2 years to hit 3pl8
pretty normal. the average poster on Any Forums doesnt lift and these people have memed that its so easy everybody hits it in a few months when its really a quite long road.

Alright, i am too pussy to commit to ”just eat more brah” since i quite enjoy and feel good being ottermode-ish

But i’ll try to program better i guess, any program you recommend for breaking a squat plateau or just grind it out?

So you were lifting for 2 years before you started taking it seriously?

I would say just grind it out since that's all I did. If you want to hit it quicker you could do any basic strength program, but really if you just keep lifting heavy you'll improve. You probably don't need to eat that much more than you are now, for me there's a huge difference strength wise between eating just below maintenance vs a little over maintenance. You don't need to eat a massive surplus, so don't freak out about losing your otter mode, just don't go full dirty bulk and start eating muffins and pizza. Just remember, it's not a race unless you're planning to compete. It took me 5 years to hit 1/2/3/4 for reps and now I'm just maintaining at that because I'm happy with it and it's easy to maintain once you've got it.

I actually would say I've never committed to lifting as hard as I could have, but yeah it took me a couple of years of thinking that I was entitled to gains just by virtue of being in a gym before I realised I wasn't doing enough and started upping the effort enough to actually improve.

>when its really a quite long road.
I fucked around for 2 years being inconsistent and struggled to squat 3pl8 then decided to lift seriously and hit 4pl8 within 3 months with out even gaining weight (was 80kg). If the average healthy adult male learns how to lift with good technique, follows a half decent program and tries hard consistently then squatting 3pl8 will be easy.

if you can 1rm 265 you can do 225 for 10

kek only if you're fucking pissweak and for some reason shit at heavy singles (do more singles)

Attached: 1rm calc.jpg (386x294, 10.54K)

In a HS strength facility, nearly 100% of the male American football, throwers, and baseball athletes can do it.

Most of them fuck-off from the weight room when the go to college and only do bench and curls for the rest of their lives.

So at a uni gym that is separate from the athletes, probably 5% of the males.

At a commercial meat market gym, 1% of males.

At a YMCA with a bunch of old people and dads: