How did you build your lats Any Forums?

How did you build your lats Any Forums?

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become a power bottom

Here is a gem for ya

pull ups and lat pull downs

Snatch grip deadlift and swimming.

Attached: 20220507_183910.jpg (1452x2628, 678.04K)

Thanks frens

what is the benefit of doing pulldowns if you do pullups?

I too got big lats from snatch grip deadlift. People don't usually even mention deadlift and lats together.

> People don't usually even mention deadlift and lats together

Because their involvement is very technic related, and also people are scared of dreads.
I don't train pull-up or rows because if I did, I couldn't do full body workouts and I should hit the gym 3 days a week which I don't want to afford.

You got this bro

Attached: 567561645.jpg (1280x720, 166.86K)

Chin ups and iso-lat cable rows, probably two best exercises just for hypertrophy.

Deadliftng doesn't really do much for those its more upper back and shoulders with some core and legs.

it depends on your proportions really, for me most of my "lat volume" is hammer strength rows and weighted pull-ups

Kek'd harder than I should have

I struggled with lat growth for years, started doing 8 sets of 3 weighted pull ups on gymnast rings, occasionally on a straight bar, and my lats have exploded these last few months

Pull ups

weighted chinz

OP here.On gymnast rings, holy shit. That's my goal. Atm can't even do a single pullup but my ring dead-hangs suddenly got A LOT better over the past week.

I don't think the rings are harder than a pull up bar, it just felt better for my wrists to rotate freely on the rings than static position of the bar

meadows rows exploded them for me

Interesting. How long are your rest intervals? Do you recover for a day after the workout?

rings are a bit harder if you don't rotate your grip and try to keep it stationary as if it's a bar

Do you use a landmine setup for these?