Rate my 7 month recomp ?

Rate my 7 month recomp ?
190 > 177lbs. 180 cm

Attached: 095EB891-FA2E-42D2-A592-26FB036FA7BD.jpg (1231x1041, 238.79K)

Looking good, Viking bro. n-no homo...

good stuff brah. nice facial gains as well. routine?

impressive, sorry for the chest tho.
Work on lats
mirin trap and neck

You look good, but you didn't recomp. You cut. A recomp means staying at the same bodyweight.

You look good. How old are you?

Ultimate delusional dyel

Looking better but now you need to get on roids so you can be buff and maybe have big boobas and cute pink nipples to match

What rating do you want?
You did it/10?

Nice nipple recovery, didn't even know that was a thing

Damn dude very nice progress, you did great, but
>190 -> 177
Isn't recomp staying the current bodyweight and build muscle and lose fat at the same time? I think you forgot about the staying at the current bodyweight part. But with that aside losing weight was clearly the better choice anyways, not recomping

You did it better than me. I'm also 180cm and weighed 190lbs. I looked very similar to you in first pic. I now weigh 165lbs and I'm not as lean as you are, I probably would be similar leanness at ~155lbs. You have gained a shit ton of muscle on a cut. That's pretty fucking crazy.

Not OP, but I thought with recomp you had to choose between either losing fat or building muscle, using either a slight cut or slight bulk while maintaining weight.

In 7 months? How....

Fuck you tallfag

The idea of recomp is to maintain your bodyweight while you build muscle, so the pounds of body fat that you have are replaced by the pounds of muscle that you are gaining. So overtime you are building muscle and losing fat, but it's a very slow process. What OP did was to be in a slight caloric deficit (losing body weight) while gaining muscle, he basically did a cut that build muscle as well, which is fucking great because many people cannot manage that (but mostly more advanced people)

Stop hating, you dont even know the guy

Better than mine, lol

he had like 99% of the muscle in the left pic he just lost a bunch of fat so he looks bigger

Yo your hair is receding like mine, kek. I keep my shit long too. Do you think it's going to stop receding? Mine seems to have stopped and i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

im gonna suck your big nipples

Huh interesting. I guess my misinformation comes from a result of over-researching I guess.

But he didn't, that's the thing. 13lbs is literally nothing, he had fat rolls and love handles. Like I wrote earlier, I went from 190 to 165lbs (double what he lost) and I still don't have upper body defintion like that and I do 1/2/3/4 for reps.