
Age: 25
Sex: M
Height: 6ft 5.5in
Weight: 226lb
Neck: 18.5"
Bideltoid: 24"
Shoulder: 58"
Chest: 47"
Waist: 30.5"
Quad: 24.5"
Calf: 17"
Shoe: 14 US

Attached: gymmog.jpg (840x837, 99.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

yes, you're special

Big if true. I'm 6'6" but I max out at 220lbs and can't seem to break that. I eat five meals a day and lift six days a week. I just can't seem to add more mass. I think I'm gonna start somehow adding in a second squats day for even more legs.

Try lifting less days, sometimes less is more
- especially when you're almost maxxed out and ran out of free gains

Kinda doubt the bodyweight given those pathetic legs, but the chest measurement seems pretty big so it could be barrel chest which adds volume
Anyway, I'm 27, 2 inches taller than you OP and my bideltoid is around 25", quads 26.5", waist 32" and arms 18.5", but chest only around 44" so that could be the reason why we're the same bodyweight despite all my extremities being bigger

lol at people claiming bigger than OP with 99% percentile stats
everyone ITT is larping

Attached: 1650467373948.png (640x982, 740.57K)

i’m 6’7” and mog that scrawny looking faggot lol

I'm not bigger than OP tho I'm usually between 210-220lbs and can't seem to get bigger. Hence asking OP for his diet or routine for getting bigger.

I dunno every guide for sizemaxxing seems to say volume and days on are key.

>Quad: 24.5"
>Calf: 17"
my quads are 26" and my calves are 11" lol

lookin like re4 leon, mirin

Name of guy on right?

leon bros...

(also im leon's height B) )

Attached: B00B79AE-B2FF-44FE-A0DD-56F9C1A51D17.jpg (634x1914, 485.55K)

Do you face mog him? Because he can essentially fuck any 19 - 25 year old he'd want

Age: 24
Sex: inb4
Height: 5ft 4in
Weight: 110lb
Neck: 13"
Bideltoid: 10"
Shoulder: 39"
Chest: 33"
Waist: 23"
Quad: 19"
Calf: 12"
Shoe: 6.5 US

I unironically hate it and this anger fuels me

if i were a manlet and kept the same face, i’d still be fucking and sucking

please be in london


Nigga you gay

Age: 27
Sex: M
Height: 5ft 7in
Weight: 176lbs
Neck: 17 inches I think
Quad: 25 in
Bicep: 17 in
Shoe size: 9
I know quite a few taller girls with bigger feet than me lmao

Same boat
Height: 5’3
Neck: 14
Bicep: 13
Shoulder: 43
Chest: 37
Waist: 31
Quad: 20
Calf: 14
Shoe: 6.5 :^(

I think that's this dude
Literally the
>bro just be yourself, works for me
meme irl

Dude on the right looks like a final fantasy character

Damn that guy on the right is hot af.