Tire flips paid off

Tire flips paid off

Attached: .webm (720x720, 2.74M)

now do this in a road rage situation.

girl in the fiat 500 fearing for her life

Imagine coming back to your car and it's flipped over

>needing 3 guys to do this

It's just 3x easier to do it that way

lmao based, carfags btfo

yeah, fearing that she's gonna die of dehydration

Why they flip tho?

I don't understand, the two flipped cars are clearly inside regular parking spots. I would shoot those 3 niggers on sight

Cars are gay and take up too much space. Licenses should be much harder to obtain.

Cars are for DYELs. Real men run everywhere.

blocking street

They're most likely not.

They're fags that go around doing meme shit to get social media attention.
If you ever stepped to one of these guys 1v1 they'd crumble.

Either social media stunt or the card were illegally parked?

Maybe don't park within 3 meters of a womans car when there's simps around?

I would shoot all three in the head

>social media
You fucking brain dead zoomers. This video is literally older than both of you combined.

>Twink city-living soys

based. fucking car drivers these days are parking all over the fucking place (uk fag here). parking across the entire footpath, parking on busy roads then everyone has to dangerously drive around them.


Ive always wanted to do this