Very anxious that my heart is going to explode or stop beating

>very anxious that my heart is going to explode or stop beating
>flutters sometimes randomly
>sometimes I just sit there and listen to it and I feel like it will stop beating or explode at any second and the anxiety makes it beat like crazy further fueling the anxiety
what do bros? I don't do any cardio should adding some help?

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90% of how you feel and heart problems, diseases comes from diet, not lack of exercise since most normies walk enough each day(3000 steps) to keep their heart health at a base level. Lifting itself is a form of cardio because it raises your bpm and works your heart out.

In any case, It's your diet and or possibly any drugs/steroids you're taking, but if it's not that, then it's definitely your diet. Examine what you eat and change it. You'll know truth when you find it.

Are you doing any kind of steroids?

I try to eat very healthy. Only whole foods avoid and sneed oils and processed sugary foods. I do eat a bunch of saturated fat and whole milk and cholesterol in eggs.

No. No supps either. Don't even have that much caffeine, half a cuppa max


Sounds like it's more of a panic attack than anything actually being wrong with your heart. Ask your doctor for bloodwork/EKG next time you visit to calm your anxieties.

anxiety/stress, heartburn, and diet

I went to the ER several times in the middle of the night thinking I was having a heart attack at 28. It was just anxiety from grad school and heart burn

This user is probably wrong.

Random flutters happen occasionally to anyone. They are called PVC. You should NEVER feel this with any regularity.

If it happens with regularity it generally points to an arrhythmia or panic attacks. This is not something to panic about OP, but it needs to be addressed promptly. It could be simple panic attacks. It could be something easily addressed with a beta blocker like vtach. However it could also be more serious.

If you're insured, I would go to quick care and tell them you are having flutters and would like a doctor to run a 12 lead EKG on you. This will tell them immediately what is wrong and it is inexpensive (sometimes free with the doctors visit). If it's serious, you'll be sent to the ER. Since you're not collapsing it's probably not serious YET. However, you will get a referral to a cardiologist for more studies.

OP don't fuck with this stuff and don't listen to people telling you its "diet" or whatever. Regular flutters are not normal. Go to the quick care and get an EKG done. If it's normal, you know its panic attacks. If it's not, you'll have a solution.

>anxiety from grad school
I used to have heart palpitations all the time in university. Haven't had them for years since leaving.

Do you eat a lot of black pepper? For some reason that gives me flutters whenever I start using a lot of it (I love peppery eggs).

>its not your diet bro
>has a heart attack from eating meat
then your fat doctor is going to prescribe you statins while giving fuck all nutritional advice on how to actually reverse heart disease and blocked arteries. Eat shit faggot.

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the funniest thing about vegans is that they have no grasp of persuasion

>plant based
you mean not loading the arties with refined carbs? has nothing to do with eating meat you nutrient deficient giga nigger

This happens to me too. I have panic attacks all the time and have around 400mg of caffeine daily so that's probably why. I might have a heart attack, but I don't really care.

Some preworkouts like total war have black pepper extract in them. The effects are vague but it's known to improve the absorption of caffeine and just mess with other medications in general. There's some chemical effect it has on the body that I don't understand but it makes sense that it could give you heart flutters.

> eat shit faggot

I told the guy to go to the doctor and you're suggesting he has active blocked arteries and advanced heart disease. The HRT is getting to your smooth brain tranny.

you should play this little-known indie game, i think it was called katana shlomo or something, it deals with exactly this as i recall

No refundd

You should be more worried about blood clots.

Not OP. Been having daily skipped heart beats since May. I was extremely stressed and anxious at the time. I've had an EKG, echo, blood tests and chest x ray.

My concern is that even though the stress and anxiety seems to have passed the skipped beats continue daily. How do I mentally distinguish harmless anxiety from a potentially fatal arterial fibrillation.