One chance at life

>one chance at life
>parents named me LeMickey

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Why be sad, you're so fine you blow my mind

>one chance at life
>parents name me eggbert

you can legally change it, pick a name you like and try it out first for a year or something. when they die, make their tombstones say stupid ass names in revenge.

>one chance at life
>parents named me Mayo

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I know a lot of these are jokes but my parents unironically did name Urnk

Then be grateful they didn't name you ADisney.

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is there a country on this planet that doesn't allow a name change?

>OP didn't understand

What a pity

Just introduce yourself as mick, michael, mike etc. stop being autistic

user you seem to be lost.
This here is Any Forums, we usually talk about fitness or homosexual encounters.
What you are looking for is Any Forums

On the 12th day of Christmas LeMickey gave to me
12 excuses given
11 choked quarters
10 faked finals
9 tears to the refs
8 missed free throws
7 flops and travels
6 finals losses
5 turnovers
4 clutch checks
3 superteams
2 bailed out rings
And an undeserved Mickey Mouse ring

>parents named me JorFraud

they're really taking the mick

user is...LE MICKEY!?!?!

>the name "shining blade" is now an embarrassing nerd name
It's up to you to reverse this. Go by Ecgbert from now on.

>Parents named me Larden

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Yesterday while at wendy’s, i went to order a 4 for 4 but to my surprise LeMickey had bought Wendy’s and changed the meal to a 4 for 10. i immediately stormed out and went to MJs restaurant where i could get a 6 for 6. Hand over the wendy's and the rings, LeBum!

>one chance at life
>parents named me Dede

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>hate indians
>my last name is curry

>one chance at life
>parents named me chad

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