
I started TRT 6 months ago at 26 years old and the difference in my life is incredible.
>before TRT
I tried getting back into lifting and kept failing. No motivation, would sometimes cut 5-10lbs and then stagnate for months. No energy, fatigued, constantly in my head and unfocused. The smallest of tasks exhausted me. At first I thought I was pushing too hard with lifting so I lowered the weights to baby beginner shit, only 2 sets X8-10 with way more in the tank. Same shit, left me sore for the week. Did that for months with no change was constantly sore from bitch workouts.
Felt like an outcast in my social circle/friend group. Was often interrupted and spoken over and ignored, closer friends definitely noticed but would never mention it and would carry the other peoples conversation. Any ideas I had, even if they were legitimately good and the best course of action were shot down and never even considered. Was basically just there for no reason, only one friend invited me to hang the others never did.
Huge change in recovery. I feel how I did when I was 18.
I can actually stick to a diet, I’m consistent. I have that drive again. I’m no longer sore for retardedly long, only 1-2 days like when I was 18. I feel great again. Lifts are up, I’ve lost fat and gained muscle. Nothing crazy, but about what I’d expect any normal healthy man to be capable of with effort. Also effort feels really good to me. I have zero desire to be lazy and just want to work constantly.
They’re all sucking my dick and asking me what I want to do what I think about xyz or for my input on everything which they never did once prior. If I speak I’m listened to, I’m taken seriously. They’re all hitting me up to hang even the ones I was never that close with. One of the girls in this group is all over me now and won’t leave me alone even though I have my own girlfriend.

Night and day. Get your blood work done. It’s worth it for the social benefit alone.

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Is this something that insurance pays for if you are diagnosed low T?

did they teach you how to pin?
I'm worried about fucking that up and accidently injecting into a vein or causing an infection.

also how often do you have to pin?
what do you do when you have to travel?

Pretty sure you’re required to go into their office to get an injection, they can’t just give you the test and syringes.

If I’m wrong then I’m 100% getting my wife to tell her doctor she’s transitioning and steal her test.

Not OP but...
If you are diagnosed yes. I was low enough to meet the threshold to go through insurance. I was in the 240s in my mid 30s That was definitely with me being overweight but I had a diet that was at least better than most Americans, lifting weights 3-5 times per week and about an hour of cardio per week.

I went through a clinic because my shitastic insurance wasn't going to cover much of the cost and my doctor would only do 70mg /week and wanted me to come in for shots.

I'm about a year in running 125mg per week and feel much better. Added a lot of weight to my lifts and just fine life is easier to deal with on a daily basis. Less moody, no more random depression failings, and lost a few inches off my waist without any real changes to diet.

You can self administer. It depends on the doctor though. It’s really not that hard, you want to use one needle to draw from the vial and something like a 23 gauge to inject. You can find info about this on YouTube and the Reddit steroid wiki (inb4, it actually has good info).

If you have to travel just check the bag. If it’s prescribed it shouldn’t even matter. I pin twice a week atm.
This is the thing people don’t seem to fucking get. It’s always “no just lose weight” or “you’re a retard lose weight first”. While I do agree with those notions for actually healthy ranged fatties who are simply just lazy, for those of us who were already doing shit right it’s just spinning our wheels or rather the progress is way slower and harder than it should ever be.

One thing I do wonder, when I’m more like 1.5-2 years in could I come off, maybe run HCG and a pct, and then have higher natural test levels than I did when I was struggling with this shit? I used to be very in shape ages 18-21 with total test at 700. But it was sub 300 when I got it tested again when I began suspecting it to be low. I just wonder if the lost fat and gained LBM would allow me to have normal levels for my age if I come off and go through those couple months of hell. I like what it’s done for me, but I’ve always hated the idea of needing to depend on a drug.

You are a weak man

How's your hair senpai? That's the main thing I'm scared about. Also what were and are your levels?

>synthetically mogs the bitter natty who my life has nothing to do with into a rage on Any Forums

>not brewing your own chinese bathtub chemicals

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Around age 20 it was 700 for total. That’s all I was given (female doctor). That’s when I felt great in life prior to this. Age 25 it was like 230. I had been feeling like crap for a few years up to this point. Another test a few weeks after had the total at a little more than 400. My new doctor is very understanding and told me he’s treated other men my age with this and it doesn’t even have to be out of range, if it’s low at all and you have symptoms then 2+2=4. Whereas another guy can have it low but he doesn’t have low T symptoms or issues and does great. It’s individual. I don’t recall my free test but it was for sure low too.

Current total test is like 1,200. I feel that’s too high if I’m being honest. But I don’t really have any negatives so far. I don’t feel extraordinary either. Just how I used to feel. I feel good. I feel what should be normal. Head is clear, I’m focused, I’m not stuck in my head constantly. I tend to ACT more than I’ll think (but I’m not impulsive and fucking up constantly if that makes sense, my choices all seem to be mostly right). Productivity in the gym and school and work is through the roof. Before this I’d have to lock myself in the library for 10 hours just to study for 3. Now I can sit down at my home and study for as long as I need to. Juggling school work and a relationship is very manageable for me as well.

For now my hair is fine but I do worry. I’m ready to get on fin or whatever medication if I start to notice balding or thinning. I was worried from 22-present that I’m losing it but my hairline stopped moving. It’s not what it was at 18 but it’s not bad either. Supposedly my mothers father had a full head of hair when he died. So hopefully that idea of taking after the moms dad is true.

>OP pushes through having low test for years even though he was grinding his wheels and continued pushing through that hell
A weak man is controlled by his ego.

You are wrong. They will send you home with vials, needles, etc.

i have low t and i still push through and will not take drugs

Then you’re just plain stupid. That’s your choice, but it’s a dumb one. There is absolutely no shame in being on it. You’re not “cheating” yourself or anyone else.

BRB I’m not going to use my hammer to drive this nail I’m gonna spend 5 minutes punching it into the wood and dealing with the pain because I’m a real man.

I just take gas station pills everyday

When I measured TT I was 350ng/dl. Supplementation of zinc, vitamin d and magnesium only increased it to 389.
Now I'm cutting excessive body fat since I'm 15 kilo overweight and I hope it'll boost it more again. I also want to try CPAP, but procedure to get it is fucking long. If nothing helps I'll start taking TRT at 27.

Low t fucking sucks and it should be national concern just like obesity is.

If you're doing trt doses you can pin subq, usually into lower stomach fat or hip fat. Super easy, can't fuck it up, painless.

Started low dose test in January for the stress resilience because winter depression can be hell and engineering is hard
Incredible results, happier, more confident, healthier, more energy, more focus and intensity, if you're 24-25+ I'd really recommend at least looking into it

For me my FSH, LH, and e2 were all in the dumps. Barely in range. So it was apparent the issue was not simply fat aromatizing the test to e2. I personally always struggled with memory issues, moodiness, basically every low t symptom except I could grow a good beard and I was fairly strong but could not be lean and retain any muscle or strength.

Personally it's been life changing. I also think guys with decent levels thinking trt will make them God's are being sold a pile of shit.

dont all steroids user end up with mental issues?

What is low dose for you?
Yeah I need to have proper blood work done. My doctor is solid but he keeps insisting only total and free test matter. I told him I still wanted to see everything else but he wouldn’t humor it. I may just switch to a clinic tbqh.

Unfortunately that’s most young men. Even those who are against using TRT or steroids have this mindset that it does all the work for you and does shit like . I do think TRT puts you at and advantage over a natural with healthy levels, since it’s a constant high level. But a true TRT dose isn’t going to make you feel like someone running a cycle at half a gram a week. It’s so weird I don’t even have a desire to experience that. This is good. I feel like my old self again. I’m happy.
I do have friends who if they found out would ostracize me and discredit all I’ve done so far and just call me a steroid abuser. Even though the reality is I’m finally functioning normally and how I used to just 6 years ago.

Yes, provided you aren't under age 30.