/atg/ - Austin Theory general

Elimination Chamber edition

This thread is exclusively for the next megastar of the WWE.

Here's a quick run down on why you should be #TeamTheory NOW and save yourself the humiliation of jumping on the band wagon later when he inevitably wins it all:
>Dimes look
>Dimes on the mic
>Dimes in the ring
>Georgia teen bodybuilding champion
>First wrestler to be influenced by John Cena on the main roster
>Handpicked by Vince McMahon
>His DNA is being taken to the secret patriot antarctic base where Vince is being moved (retirement is a work) to create the perfect sports entertainer

Now what's your theory on Theory's next move?

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Hi, E-Chad here. This guy is a shoot faggot and needs to get tossed off the roster and titan towers immediately.

I don't know if he's winning his cash in anymore...

This guy was outed as a closeted homosexual user. Did you not know?

>claims to be an E-Chad
>dislikes Theory
I think ChocoPro is more your speed, jack.

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count me on team theory
the guy might be incapable and annoying, but he is fearless, he doesnt fear lesnar, he doesnt fear lashley, he doesnt fear roman, he doesnt fear mcintery

Is this the dude who shoved a finger in his ass and licked it? You dronies have weird taste in wrestlers

Well this proves OP's a faggot

Yeah we know Kenny Omega is a huge faggot but this thread isn't about him


Amasaki Miyu

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destroyer of joshipedos

Kawasaki Mule?

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finally a good general

It is indeed kek


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This is a woman.


Why hasn’t Tony signed johnny gargano aspw why don’t he want me, man