Does Jordan Peterson have low test?

Does Jordan Peterson have low test?

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Stop spamming this fucking landwhale you degenerate fetishist

No, you have a fucked up coombrain
No amount of high test makes you find a morbidly obese woman attractive

a lil chub is nice. youre the one with a coombrain retard.

I've genuinely been off Any Forums for a couple of years, but back in my day, there used to always be a high test thread up with images of women of this thiccness+
What happen

I fucked a woman this obese one time and I will never do it again. Fatties are stinky, saggy, lumpy, pathetic creatures and sex with them will make you rethink your life.

>a lil chub
Found the burger

A bunch of limp-dicks raided the board.

Attached: 3nvyzjkxldt81.jpg (678x452, 33.08K)

Seconded, I miss those

Attached: EA53FD7B-6839-48AC-8B0B-E1BCBCF7F43A.jpg (750x916, 376.96K)

Attached: Skjermbilde 2022-05-17 103557.png (85x81, 14.16K)

Having sex with a girl who is a bit overweight is fine. Grabbing on meat + motorboating on big ol tiddies feels great

However, I also had sex (and even a short relationship) with a woman like pic related (not slightly overweight, obviously montrously obese). Worst mistake of my life. Never fell so down

Attached: regret.jpg (1280x720, 133.24K)

Fatty with small tits. Abhorrent

They renamed them /fph/

jbp being cringe as usual, what a fag

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this is making me chub up, post more

baka. he was referring to the fact that she's a gook, not that she's overweight.

Jordan Peterson is a wimp nerd

Gay. I'd love it if my girlfriend was this big