He was about 60 while filming avatar. Is he natty? looks better than Arnold at the same age

He was about 60 while filming avatar. Is he natty? looks better than Arnold at the same age

Attached: miles1.png (644x966, 985.23K)

Attached: 1590272517807.jpg (1024x576, 90.9K)

unfathomably based

cant do that irl though because were too busy babysitting niggers and females

this isn't a flex at all. coalescence into society will always equal work slavery, consumerism, pozzism, globohomo, whatever.

reads like a 16 year old who doesn't understand life wrote it

>reads like a 16 year old

says the user writing like a nigger on twitter

inaccurate criticism

holy shit will he be able to finish 4 more sequels?

Possibly natty, he's not overly big for someone who has trained throughout life and maintained a respectable size for a dedicated gym goer, need to see more of him before, but wouldn't shock me at all he had TRT to help him.

midwit who plebbit spaces.
yeah you definitely need to go back faggot.

trt most likely

Is this an actual quote from the movie? If so, I'm watching it because it gives the impression that it might not be just random sci-fi schlock, but actually okayish made sci-fi.

I said this word for word irl in a gym and everyone looked at me like I was fucking God bro

>Is this an actual quote from the movie?
The entire movie is about
>human bad
>blue alien savages good
>muh nature
>betray your species goy
Fucking disgusting movie

Attached: doogle my boogle.jpg (301x167, 9.32K)

It's actually a warhammer quote, but it is extremely relevant to avatar.

idk man it looks like he’s flexing in that pic. look at the striations


If only

This picture unironically made me a right wing archeofuturist years ago

>warhammer quote,
Not even. It's from some message board where two users larping as this guy and the lead bluenigger guy had a war of words over the human/navi philosophies.

would totally betray my species for a new pair of legs and hot blue alien pussy

Hollywood actors are seldom natty. On one hand juiced muscles have a better screen presence when you're supposed to play someone who is jacked. On the other, when you're making ones body fit roles regularly you're putting on and losing weight faster than one can reasonably do natty.