Is there a better image to sum up /pw?

Is there a better image to sum up /pw?

Joshi pedos scare people away from the board

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Based pleb filter bros

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If only joshi fans did scare people away we wouldn’t have endless reddit screenshots

fuck you joshis are beautiful

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Joshi threads are like glue traps. You can hide them where you don't see them and they attract bugs you don't want, but will also keep other pests from getting in your house.


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the classic

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Crazy how Joshi wrestling was the number one entertainment past time for Japanese Girls in its time but devolved to a gravure vehicle and a way to put underage girls into tight outfits and sell lingiere photoshoot albums. The audience that existed on 420chan and now Any Forums are probably a good 70/30 split between plain old neckbeards and troons who want to be cute japanese girls (but fail, miserably)

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Isn't this the same with anime?
It's also weird to me how no hot Jap girls seem to go into joshi, it's 6 out of 10s at best.

Cosmic Jumping Angel Bimbos can stay. All the rest can fuck off.

I like joshi wrestling because I am a weaboo. Simple as.

I've noticed this too. Very mediocre women compared to how hot some jap models are.

Gay lol

Hot women have better options than doing gymnastics in front of fat weebs and depressed salarymen.

Most anime studios REFUSE to allow for any creative freedom so all you get it the same tropes and settings of high school and high schoolers with a focus on the girl cast being pristine, virginal and perfect so they eventually go from wanting to fuck them to wanting to BE them because of fetishism of the female form. Thats why troons are porn addicts too.

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It's weird to see anime protagonists going form Yusuke or guts to betas terrified of women (Shinji archetypes). Like they stopped making aspirational shit and started reflecting back on nerds.

>getting raped and cucked on multiple occasians
you do you, gutsfag

I'll keep posting joshis. I'll keep evading your filters. Nothing you say affects me. I do not care. I'll keep going and you can seethe until you realise you don't belong here.

This is literally an image of one

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There’s a guy that defends bayley. So it’s ok.

>Isn't this the same with anime?
It's somewhat similar. Both industries that always had a sexual element but which have been almost entirely taken over by sex in the last 10-15 years
>It's also weird to me how no hot Jap girls seem to go into joshi, it's 6 out of 10s at best.
It's not weird at all. The job fucking sucks. It's physically demanding, painful, injury-prone, your shelf life is so short people start calling you granny when you turn 30 and you have to start hiding your birth year, pay is pennies for 99% of them, fame is nonexistent.
If you're exceptionally pretty and all you want is fame, you'll be an actress or a model or a popstar/idol. You even have porn as a backup if all that fails. Anyone can do porn and if you're even sorta pretty you'll do well.
Joshi are either the ones who weren't pretty or talented enough for any of those but NEED adoring fans, or a couple of them who are shoot wrestling nerds whose hobbies consist of getting drunk and watching AJPW tapes