/fph/ - fat people hate

This is from today twitter.com/keemstar/status/1526397661695320064?s=21&t=MbKbtKRYaGwb2vVkxm2i1A

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I have ~200 files in my fph folder. For every rare pepe which responds to me I will pick one at complete random and upload it.

Attached: fits_sins.jpg (896x320, 104.56K)

>time posted: 20:20:20

Attached: pannus.jpg (540x710, 112.87K)

I fucking hate fat >people so much it's unreal bros. Fat cunts stop posting your shitty blog posts about how you're totally losing weight and aren't like the other fatties.

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Fat >people are hyper consoomers and always lie about their diet. They are physically and morally repugnant

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I've heard that Patrick S Tomlinson has had the police called on him regarding the kidnapping of black youths to grind them into pepperoni. I've also heard he's gay and vandalised his own house

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This thing can vote. It's opinion is considered equal to yours.

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Ok what's the deal with this one? I see it/her? a lot. Is it a tranny? No I'm serious. Because a tranny can look like that at 19, and I see what looks like male fat distribution. This is on top of decently hairy arms and a more...robust? skull shape than you'd usually find on a woman.
Help me out here guys, is this a transformer or just a very unlucky drawing of the genetic lottery?

I was just looking this up out of curiosity. But BB King was the oldest living person with obesity. I dont thing he was morbidly obese but he was definitely obese. He lived 1925-2015. I really liked his music.

The only reason I didnt investigate further is cause Im watching a really good show.
Any autists wanna see where this could lead that might be interesting.

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I suspect it is a biological female identifying as female but who knows what these things identify as nowadays. I am convinced she has endo or pcos

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She also has chocolate in her Amazon Wishlist kek

checked and saved.

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Probably female, but a very very ugly one. Not even skinniness can save that