Help me please I can't stop smoking. It's ruining my life and destroying every cardio gain I have...

Help me please I can't stop smoking. It's ruining my life and destroying every cardio gain I have. I also have asthma and it's slowly getting worse but everytime I try to quit it my anxiety peaks and I'm not myself anymore. I don't know what to do. i just need something to replace it.

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What made you want to start smoking to begin with, user? I have friends who do but none of them can give an explanation for why they went out of their way to do something they know is bad for them and that they can avoid almost always.

I wanted to look deep and mysterious but that was when I was 16 years old. I'm more mature now but the addiction already got me. I don't give a shit about people now and I hate the smell of cigarettes but I can't stop smoking or else I fuck up my interactions with people I love like my mom. I just get angry when I quit.

There's no secret way. All it takes is willpower

try beer instead.

i'm an alcoholic type and I have never once craved tobacco in my life. The only time I ever smoked tobacco is when I wanted to increase my drunk buzz.

Vaping, which won't do anywhere near the damage to the lungs, to start with; and then tapering off from that.

>everytime I try to quit it my anxiety peaks and I'm not myself anymore
Yes you are, hold yourself accountable. Try reading Easy way to stop smoking, then really analyze your feelings and pangs so you know what is going on. It becomes not that difficult when you realize how much of it is just you trying to convince yourself you can't bear it or that it is supposed to be hard. Sure, you get cravings, but they pass quickly
>t. smoked for 15 years and just quit 2 years ago

sounds like it's just trading an addiction for addiction at that point. though what's the interaction between alcohol and nicotine? I have friends who get intense nicotine cravings when they have a few drinks, not sure if it's just lowered inhibitions or if its actually a good combo.

Buy a vape bro. It's still an addiction but glycerin vapor + nicotine is going to fuck your lungs up a lot less than smoke.
t. Vapes nonstop and run a 20minute 5k

Use nicotine patches to help you quit, lower dosage over time and then stop taking them all together, good luck OP

sometimes its easier take it in small steps whats the point of trying cold turkey and failing over and over at least you willfeel better and your wallet will thank you as well.

5k is not completed in 20 mins you fat fuck.

user there is no way around it, you have to stop cold turkey and resist, eventually the anxiety and the urges will go away. I stopped smoking 4 years ago and never went back.

There's lots of ways to go about ending an addiction. There is not a one solution fits all. Have patience with yourself and keep trying. You'll relapse, but that's to be expected. Learn from your attempts to quit and write it down. Do some research to see how others did it. Keep trying. It's not gonna happen overnight, but you will eventually kick it.

Genuinely user from an ex-smoker who tried and failed numerous times but is now seven years clean - buy and read Alan Carr's Easy Way To Quit Smoking. That book has some serious magic to it, completely changed things for me.

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This. Mind over matter. Are you going to be a slave to your clearly destructive desires, or are you going to do what's right, no matter the cost.

>t. quit cold turkey

If you're really desperate, take a heroic dose of shrooms (~5g+ dried). The purpose of your trip must be smoking cessation. Studies have shown this to be very effective.

i thought i was smoking to cope with anxiety but i found out alot of that anxiety comes from nicotine withdrawals. you will feel really damn anxious when quitting if you had anxiety before getting hooked, but you will feel really fucken great once youre over that initial withdrawal(which is all mental) a few weeks of heightened anxiety sure beats years of nicotine induced anxiety and a wrecked body.

just chew nicotine gum you pea-brain

I second Allen Carr. I had to read it and "quit" about 4 times before it finally clicked. The great thing about Allen Carr is that once you figure out what he's getting at it becomes easy to quit all kinds of other things as well (I also quit drinking and loat about 40 pounds once I applied his logic to other areas of my life).

Just keep trying. Not even kidding, took me a 999 failed attempts to get it done the 1000th time. Doesn't mean the failed attempts were futile, it means they were necessary

I can only tell you what worked for me. I used the patch, nicoderm or store brand doesn't matter much. Then I also used 1-2 edibles per day for the withdrawals, stress ball and gum to keep hands and mouth occupied. It took me 8 weeks and I've been smoke free for over 3 years now.