I need a PPL routine that's mostly (or ideally, all) non-machine shit...

I need a PPL routine that's mostly (or ideally, all) non-machine shit. Something with all the compound lifts would be ideal. Everything I find online has gay shit like lat pulldowns.

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>not knowing enough about anatomy and muscle groups to slap your own PPL pattern routine together

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lat pulldowns aren't gay. You are.

go google a list of all compound exercises and make ur own routine lazy retard

Push: pushing lifts
Pull: pulling lifts
Legs: legging lifts

Lat pull downs are super gay. You either do a pull up or you spend a lot of time learning how to do a pull up.

I do pull-ups but I can load more weight than my bodyweight on a lat-pulldown machine


>what are weighted pull-ups

just about the gayest exercise you can do

>t. Fat powershitter

If I had the experience to do it I would've done it already.

literally spend 1 day learning about anatomy istead of begging strangers to do work for you

I wasn't begging, and I thought there was a pre-made routine that I didn't know about. Surely I'm not the only one that's had this question. Are you butthurt because I called lat pulldowns gay?

I do not give a shit what a literal DYEL thinks about lat pulldowns. If anything you not liking them proves to me they're good

if you don't have the "experience" to figure out a PPL routine for yourself then you shouldn't be doing one at all, go do starting strength

I did starting strength for a while, someone on this board recommended switching to PPL to meet my goals. I came back to ask because I couldn't find a decent PPL routine.


No-one is going to give you a programme :)

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well then just earn the experience?

/qa/ lost