Waking up at 5 AM

>waking up at 5 AM
>lifting 6 times a week
>cold showers
>cardio 3-4 times a week
>drink nothing but water, milk and coffee
>7+ hours of sleep
>1 hour of daily sunlight
>walking in nature for stress relief and test gains

What am I missing?

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Remove the coffee, it cucks your sleep

A gf and a job

test tren and hgh

Not if you drink it 12 hours before bedtime

Why waste your time and money with a w*man?

bc the goal of life is procreation nigga

>eliminate all processed foods from your diet. They cause mental illness. All processed carbs, processed sugar, and pretty much any "foods" that don't resemble anything found in nature
>reduce screen time to the absolute minimum. None of us are immune to the constant propoganda from internet and TV.
>daily prayer

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Kino advice but I'm broke and can't afford unprocessed food

Being racist.

God & Jesus Christ.

Everyone's a bit racist

>reduce screen time to the absolute minimum. None of us are immune to the constant propoganda from internet and TV.
How do I do it lads, I work on computers 10 hrs a day

>Admit you're wrong when you're wrong. Don't hide it with excuses and cope.

Best mental health advice.

Work doesn't count. Earning a living is a perfectly acceptable reason for using the computer.

The thing you need to avoid is using Tik Tok, Instagram, Disney+, and Netflix for 5 hours a day.

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What about 4channel?

>red light therapy

>red light therapy

What's that?

red pill me on cold showers

They are good for recovery, increase test (broscience) and boost your immune system. They are also good for waking up early

thats good propaganda so its ok

This, I don't care about your perfect gay routine if you still live at your mom's house and sleep in your childhood room with no real responsibilities. Real men stack money and fuck pussy.

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