Start doing zercher squats because everyone says it's the best for stimulating quads vs backsquat

>start doing zercher squats because everyone says it's the best for stimulating quads vs backsquat
>think this is a good idea because back squats just get me tired and I never feel as though I'm really hitting my legs
>start zercher squatting
>immedietly have to deload because I can't sholder what a squat for several reps without losing feeling in my arms
>get back home with a bunch of bruises on my forearms
what the fuck...

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You have to work your way up. If you have bruises wrap a towel around the bar.

Dude obviously you cant zercher hold your max squat are you sped

Idk what benefit a zercher has over anything else because I've never done them but I have a hard time believing they are better for quads than a squat. You have to use less weight and your back is curled over and the bar/your arms are literally in the way preventing you from going as low as a squat

Then what is the point of this pain loading exercise?

to make you quit ego lifting like a phagg0t

To look like an autist at the gym

Have you ever seen a bodybuilder do fucking zerchers? Theyre a bit of a meme lift. The only sport I can think of it having any application is strongman

Theyre a must for any wrestler. Dunno who else does them.
Personally I like them because they hurt and I enjoy that.

I do them to better princess carry and manhandle cute girls.

any zercher deadlift chads in here?

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>Theyre a must for any wrestler

upper back strength

>not doing zercher bench press
Are you some kind of pussy or what

Imagine a takedown. Now surmise how it may transfer.

I do them because I'm dyel and I read that they'd help me with my core strength which has been limiting my regular squats for a long time. They are fun to do and I see benefits, but I have started to miss back squats which I never thought I would.

I'm to unflixible :(

I love zercher squats. I started doing them when I statred doing stronglift 5x5, went on to madcow, not my max is 200kg+. Dont know ehre this will end, never felt so good to find exercie that I'm good at :)

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They aren't a must for anyone. It's almost the same as a front squat. If you really think having the bar lower is important, a front squat harness will allow greater weight with the same leverage.

now my max*

>core strength
>limiting my regular squats for a long time.
squats requiring core strength seems like a meme

Almost nothing in this world is a must. That being said never met a wrestler who didnt do them.

Probably because they saw Phil Daru recommended them. Fucking cookie cutters.

The problem is when you (like me) can't use your core properly when squatting so its growth doesn't keep up with your legs and you keep adding weight because Rippletits told you but you don't understand the particulars so you automatically cheat without realising and end up in snap city (or get off with a warning, in my case). Weak cores cause hernias, user.

Didn't really get this answer

But this makes a ton of sense thank you user