Finally got to the point where my chest looks like how it did when I got a pump 4 months ago

>finally got to the point where my chest looks like how it did when I got a pump 4 months ago
Bulking is totally worth it bros. I don’t care about being fatty for now, the cut will be immaculate.

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what books is she into?

probably harry potter and white fragility

Girls like that are obsessed with nabokov and other "aesthetic writing".

>he thinks he will be able to cut now that he’s addicted to food

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how can i readermaxx?

Become a trans lesbian

i already like women

They don’t like you though.

Start with the Greeks.

Attached: greeks.jpg (3672x3024, 1.38M)

your mom likes me

>Harry Potter
>Handmaid's tale
>White fragility
>Toxic masculinity

But you want reader girls. My mom is a biker lovin whore who I doubt can read.

>Read Cliffsnotes and Sparknotes versions of classic books
>Basically like you read 3 entire books in one day
>And all the themes and metaphors and all that bullshit is explicitly stated for autists like you and me
>You can now talk intelligently about whichever books you read the summary of
>Can claim to have read countless classics after like one week of "reading"

i wanna read more, not pretend i'm intellectual

Pick something you enjoy. I personally like historical fiction (the Imperium trilogy by harris is based roman republic, or sharpe by Bernard Cornwell). Otherwise I mostly read nonfiction. But people like different stuff. But how to find something you'll like? If you like practical stuff it'll be easy. If you want ideas rather than craft knowledge its harder.

1. Don't read anything pozzed. Most postmodern/post structural/'social' literature (fiction or non fiction) is a total waste of time. They express simple ideas in an overly complex manner in order to allow turbo midwits to feel good about the incoherence of their worldview. Examples include 'finding myself' novels (anything like Normal People, Unbearable Lightness of Being, Pride and Prejudice etc. etc.). On the non fiction front, 'I'm smarter than you'/'You're all idiots'/'This piece of common knowledge is a myth' stuff. Also, public intellectuals are not good. Some exceptions (e.g. Haidt) but either their specialty field doesn't translate well into general audience, or is explicitly done in epistemic bad faith- namely here's a theory about how the mind works but I don't give a shit about that, I love SOCIAL JUSTICE and I'd SAY ANYTHING kinda meme. Anything which basically overlabels is shit too- 'the five types of people', 'be smart to do this' etc. Good works introduce you to ideas and let you make your own damn mind up.

2. Trial and error. Sometimes you'll read something and you won't enjoy it; or you'll disagree with it; or you aren't ready yet. Put it aside until you find something you actually want to read. For fiction that tends to be becoming totally engrossed; for non fiction that tends to be a desire to know even if the work is very difficult. I personally tend to recommend Aristotle's Ethics as a starter non-fiction. I don't read much greek work; but its a perfect example of highly complex ideas expressed very simply, with a minimum of external knowledge needed to enjoy. Hope that helps

samefagging, also aware of irony of disparaging as in 1. The reason is that if you want to get people into reading, they either have to learn useful ideas or really enjoy themselves. In my experience, introducing people to pozzed material merely jades them towards reading- which is often the point of deconstructive/hypersocialized works. Just go watch a tv drama for the same experience but with better fun- you wouldn't read a script for House M.D. though. Reading requires active imagination and being able to chew things over in your mind; immersion or contemplation are not vapid, and therefore show people the power of reading much more readily. It is a wonderful thing.

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Gotta disagree homies.

To how into reading, you basically have to start from the beginning, which is high school English. That means: A Farewell to Arms, the Metamorphosis or the Trial, James Baldwin or Toni Morrison (African American lit is essential, despite the globalist push lately and when I was in school, it was given as a way of expanding your horizons, not entirely replacing the Western canon), Camus, A Brave New World, generic pleb shit.

Finish this syllabus off with Slaughterhouse Five, The Sirens of Titan, and Breakfast of Champions, just because. This is my copy.

Then, I recommend embracing the autism: Phillip K Dick (Flow My Tears the Policeman is his best work in my opinion), Neal Gaiman, Snow Crash.

If you want to get brooklyn art hoes, get a book of bukowski poems and drink at a bar, lmao. They're actually not that bad, but not anything fantastic. In terms of poems, here's one by Walt Whitman, the G.O.A.T. of Long Island:

"Not from successful love alone,
Nor wealth, nor honor'd middle age, nor victories of politics or war;
But as life wanes, and all the turbulent passions calm,
As gorgeous, vapory, silent hues cover the evening sky,
As softness, fulness, rest, suffuse the frame, like freshier, balmier air,
As the days take on a mellower light, and the apple at last hangs really finish'd and indolent-ripe on the tree,
Then for the teeming quietest, happiest days of all!
The brooding and blissful halcyon days!"

Finally, I don't think philosophy is important. That being said, read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and get a copy of Thus Spoke Zarathustra and whatever abridged Aristotle you can find.

Good luck.

Who's pretending they're intellectual? The one gaining information in books, using the most efficient way possible, or the one choosing the 400-page version of the exact same story, because other people think the short version is "cheating"?

Don't you prefer to enjoy the ride while reading thru someone else's eyes?!

bearposter here. I too enjoy art hoes and walt whitman. keep on keepin on my man
