Why are all professional strongmen so tall?

Why are all professional strongmen so tall?
Yet the strongest powerlifters tend to be within the average height range?
Is it because strongman competitions are impossible to minmax, and because powerlifting has weight classes?
All the top strongmen are 6'8" giants, yet even in super heavyweight powerlifting, the tallest guys are rarely over 6'4".

Does anybody have an answer for this?

Why are there less giants in powerlifting? Or why are there less smaller guys in strongman?

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Like you said: weight classes

a person of any height can do a squat, bench or deadlift, while some strongman implements are literally height gated, like atlas stones or thick dumbbells which you can only pick up if you have a giant hand

It's because of weight classes. Heavyweight weightlifters are tall as strongmen.

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i wish i was tall bros :(

They not only are giants but they also have the ideal morphology with an optimal leg length to torso length ratio.

That's not anatomically accurate

that's true, i failed to consider that since super tall heavyweights are rare in general lol

your best bet is to find a tall wife and hope her kids get her genes topkek

this makes sense, the shorter strongmen and guys with smaller hands are fucked on atlas stones

yeah, i guess WSM only shows the openweight strongmen? a local strongman comp has weight classes, but the smallest guys are 200lbs lmao

Sarychev is 6 ft 6 and was the old record holder for raw bench press before the fatty (Julius Maddox) broke his record.

In Russia there are many powerlifters who are giants as well, its just in the US it seems to be that many of the giant athletes will go into much more lucrative sports, while powerlifters either are people in lighter weight classes with great leverages/proportions, or fatties who just try to justify their reason for being fat because “they are strong”.

Look at the examples, sarychev set both a raw total world record, and a raw bench world record at 6’6 350 lbs, but he’s built
much like we would expect a strongman to be built, while Julius Maddox is 6’3 460
lbs who only focuses on bench and has a relatively poor squat and deadlift.

A big skeleton allows for more muscle attached to it

I wish I was tall enough to become a strongman bros
6'1 is not tall enough for strongman and not short enough for ez mass gainz.
Wtf should I do

>Sarychev is 6 ft 6
holy shit i thought he was 6'2" wtf
i guess this is the real reason, bigger skeleton = more muscle = more power?

well you’re not so get over it and start living your best life bro

>be smol
>can't get arms around bol

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Strongman has weight classes too.

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>find a tall wife and hope her kids get her genes
wait wouldn't they be both our kids?

because it's strongman not strongboy

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Dont have kids

Powerlifting uses wilks, which is a retarded system.

Powerlifting is all 1rms. Strongmen have to repeat stuff. You can do all the endurance work you want but when you're pushing the same weight as a guy with more body than you, yours is going to get tired first.

It is really overrated past a point, I am 6'5 so not super tall but finding clothes that fit is hard, many cars are too small to sit up straight in, lots of furniture like desks are too low to sit comfortably at, planes suck, etc

But I've never had a problem with girls being interested in me so I got that going for me, which is nice

>all the strongmen are 6'8" tall
There are only 3 notable strongmen around that height (Shaw, Thor and Tom Stoltman). Martins Licis and Eddie Hall are around 6'2", Big Z 6'3", Novikov 6' and so on. Still all above average, but not outrageously so. The tallest guys are usually better at events like throwing, whereas they seem to struggle with e.g static pressing. For example, prime Eddie benched like 50kg more than prime Shaw/Thor, but the latter had it easier to maintain higher bodyweights (advantageous for e.g truck pulls) without bloating as hard as Eddie.

And to answer the question generally: they are all on roids, which allows them to fill out their frames and reach the levers of short guys. In general, average/short guys perform better while natty and tall (but not too tall) guys perform better when roided up