Who else here living /drugfree/?

Who else here living /drugfree/?

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Does weed count?

I dunno. Is weed a drug, user?

I am but I'm fat so, yeah, not made it yet.


does amphetamine count?

I've never done drugs. I try not to associate with people who do drugs but when people say they smoke weed or whatever I don't have much a reaction aside from, "yeah that fits." I think they're mostly faggots but it's their life I guess.

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No. Therefore i am drug free.

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>I've never done drugs. I try not to associate with people who do drugs but when people say they smoke weed or whatever I don't have much a reaction aside from, "yeah that fits." I think they're mostly faggots but it's their life I guess.

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I have been for 2 months

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I don't think that's a healthy way of living desu. you're depriving yourself of experiences with the potential of opening up novel ways of thinking which you cannot have otherwise. Being a teetotaler or a junkie are bad, the truth is somewhere in the middle. Modern society demonizes drugs because they want you to be an obedient slave, can't have a cog in the machine that just stops working for some reason

does phenibut count? Only substance I take


>* modern society encourage and promote drugs because they want you to be an obedient slave

Le antiwork troon probably does do drugs

You realize this means you can't have chocolate or coffee too right?

>no alcohol, weed, nicotine, hard drugs, etc.
>take concerta for concentration so I’m technically not drug free
RIP I suppose

>Modern society demonizes drugs because they want you to be an obedient slave
Damn, is that why there are dozens of different netflix originals all centered on weed use and how cool it is? Or why all the rap music venerates it like it's their god?

does meth and heroin count?

I think what happened is, back when most people used to work blue collar jobs, you wouldn't benefit from your workers getting high all the time. nowadays 50% of people do bullshit jobs so now you have to pacify them somehow lest they grow restless with their empty lives, so weed and opioids are pushed now

No drugs but coffee

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My perspective on drugs is unironically the "social smoker" meme
Getting drunk and high with other people like twice a month isn't going to damage your body and mind, especially if you don't go to far with it. I stop immediately once I feel a buzz, about 4 shots or 10mg, because that's where the social lubricant is.
Where your brain ends up getting fried is when you rely on it to regulate your emotions. When you wake up in the morning, feel like shit, and hit your dab pen to fix it, you ruin your ability to think. Regular use of drugs makes you weak and stupid, but irregular usage isn't a bad thing.

this is the only sane way to approach this