Started lifting literally a week ago

>started lifting literally a week ago
>figured I'd start with a beginner program, pic related
>read the book for proper form
>practice with empty bar
>figure out a starting weight for the exercises, book says for the first few times you can add like 10kg each time for squat
>manage 3x5 60kg, next time try 70kg and fail miserably
>two buff guys come to check on me and tell me my form was wrong "you had the bar too low, you gotta put the bar in your neck"
>try telling them there's a difference between low bar and high bar squat
>they tell me I'm wrong and that if I insist on putting the bar low I should use one of those machines that guides the bar vertically
>try telling them that it's better to use free weights because having to balance your body uses the right muscles and develops good habits/form
>they keep telling me I'm wrong
>suggest to show them where I got my info from
>"nah, just do your thing man" with a mocking smile

I'm obviously a retard for wanting to up the weight too quickly, but those buff guys were just ignorant right?

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>DYEL arguing with the buff guys
even if they are wrong, there is a hierarchy to follow

No, you are smaller than them, so you're in the wrong here.


Sure, next time I'll kiss their shoes
But were they wrong or not?

> gets shilled irl
> soon to be shilled online
yes there is a difference between low and high bar squats

No they were right, and you're retarded.

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You are right, the dudes were wrong. Next time just say "yeah sure bro, thanks" and wait for them to leave. Don't argue with them, they're just trying to help even if they're wrong.

Also don't forget to add the acessories for arms after week 4.

Bro are you retarded? It's 5-10 POUNDS per session (2.5-5kg) not 10 you dingus

No, they were right. Low bar is fucking gay.

>low bar
starting strength meme, doesn't work quads as much
>high bar Olympic squat
real athlete lift

high bar is better for quad hypertrophy
low bar is better for lifting big

i do low bar for lower reps and high bar for higher

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if you want quad hypertrophy just go do some leg extensions you dumbass
Low bar squat is by far the best option for all-around development of the lower body, which is what you want if you're not some baboon who thinks "legs = quads"

high bar is a good auxiliary lift for developing quads in a way that carries over well to low bar. if you're deadlifting you are getting good hamstring work as well

high bar is absolutely fucking useless if you're already doing lowbar and you're not an olympic weightlifter

don't be angry, user. it's okay that we have different perspectives on things

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Lol, you're a bitch "actually" kind of faggot. Unironically heed the advice of swole people, you turbo nigger.

Most times anyone who walks up to you with unsolicited advice is a retard, why do you think the gym boomer meme is a thing.
Just keep doing what you're doing, but unironically. They don't know what they're on about.

There is absolutely no shortage of strong retards. More time in the gym will expose this.
Most of them started with manual labour and just throw heavy shit around in the gym and eat like ganits.
They will always be "strong" but easily surpassed

>you gotta put the bar in your neck
no you put the bar on your traps for high bar, don't listen to unsolicited advice at the gym, it is always wrong.