How the fuck do I train abs at home...

How the fuck do I train abs at home? Someone recommended 3 1-minute reps of planks but they feel useless and my shoulders feel more strained.

I have a weak core and only dumbells to use

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I also own a ab wheel but it feels useless too, only straining my lower back

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Literally just do crunches and leg raises with ankle weights if you can't do hanging leg raises

If 3 one minute planks feel useless you should probably increase slowly to 3 two minute planks or 1 three minute plank. It is the easiest core exercise and helps strengthen the muscles to resist twisting and keep you upright.
You should also go for a run and see if your back hurts. If it does after a while, then you do have a weak core. If not, then the planks are working.

I think OPs problem is that his core is so weak he can not properly perform any of the exercises to really focus on his abs.

Yep, this is it. Something like the wheel is completely out of the question because of it

How embarrassed should I be if I can’t do these properly and end up just hurting my lower back when I try? Guess I should be doing planks for a long time or something?

I forgot to ask, since my core is so weak should I also skip rest days?

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Honestly, just pick any beginner ab workout from youtube, even if it's a complete meme.

You need to maintain a posterior pelvic tilt throughout the motion to prevent strain on your lower back. This is proper form.

He could start with half-planks (ie resting on knees rather than feet) and go from there

go back to reading Men's Health, dumb boomer

how straight is your lower back when you're using this? i recommend filming yourself and making sure your back is completely straight before deciding to do anything else

learn good posture
put weight on a backpack
mantain good posture

Literally just start with less time on the planks and add time on each time you succeed. Dial it back to three sets of 20 seconds (or less if even that is too hard). If you succeed, the next day do three sets of 25 seconds, and so on.

post abs

Lying leg raises

Crunches, v-ups, and walking lunges with uneven dumbbells (while doing legs) will train abs pretty good.
And are a stabilizing muscle, so introducing instability will engage them a good bit.

Okay ab-let. Noone built abs without some form of crunch, be it cable crunches, bodyweight or a gym's ab machine.

Bumb, what about rest days?

Those abs look disgusting

Hollow body crunches, everything else is a meme. Enjoy the six pack.