How do people work all day?

If i'm working physically intensive jobs i can go 2 hours at optimal levels and after that i'm basically on battery backup. I don't understand how there are people that can function properly the entire day and do this one day after another...where do they get the stamina to do this shit?

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1) most of construction or very physical job workers are unironically if going to the gym
2) eat a shit ton
3) overtime you will develop more and more resistance

in other words
i dont fucking care i have sedentary job t masterace

I don't I go to the gym on company time and check my work email in between sets.

thank you officecucks, very cool.

Kek same. We are allowed 30 mins extra exercise break but I triple it.

I have a grip squeezer and a foot pedal bike I use at my desk. We aren’t allowed to leave our desk for more than 5 minutes and only get two 10 minute breaks a day which we can use to eat. But I think my cardio and legs are developing nicely from stationary foot pedal and hand grips are good for arm muscles. I work 12 hour days 7-7 so I’m too tired to go to the gym after work but I do push ups and crunches when I get home.


Are you all retarded? If you don't have anything regarding the thread just shut the fuck up

>If i'm working physically intensive jobs i can go 2 hours at optimal levels and after that i'm basically on battery backup

This is laziness and comfort. It's not you can't work longer then 2 hours it's that you din't want to. If you had to do it everyday you could and would. These are limits you are putting on yourself in your own head

Work is for losers

You sound low energy or lazy.

You get used to it if you have to. When the choices before me were starve or work harder I got used to it easy enough. If all my ancestors did it so can I.

other than what other anons said it might also be that you aren't optimizing the use of your strength. Watch your oldest coworkers and see if they do something differently, if they have been doing that job for a long time and they are still in good physical shape you can bet that they are doing things efficiently

You get used to it.

My curved Koch will whett your appetite if you know what I mean


OP u either fat or vitamins defecient. Eat high irons food and take a vitamin D supplement. Also u a bitch.

Try taking mk677 at night (growth hormone) and getting better sleep. You're probably not recovering enough day to day if you're a laborer AND going to the gym

1. You've never worked a hard job in your life
2. You go to the gym almost never
3. You treat anything more than waddling to your car as physical exercise

So yeah you suck ass and when you try to do normal shit, which you never do because you've just waddled to the car your entire life shit sucks for you.

Kill yourself you fucking retard. I've been working out since 16 and walk everywhere constantly. I'm just not built on slave genetics. Do any more passive aggressive assuming in my thread and i'm going to kick your ass you fat fucking retard.

low iq babbling, why did you make this thread if you already know the answers to your questions? take your own advice and kys

I dont know the answers, it's just that the theories of apes like you are so retarded that the mind boggles really